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22 year old African-American

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Hi everyone!


I first discovered this forum at the ripe age of 19 when I began losing my hair. I used propecia for almost a year, but stopped due to side effects. Anyway, I was wondering who the best African-American hair transplant surgeon is. I know I am quite young, but I like to keep my hair at a #1 or #2 anyway so I don't think it would take too many grafts to give me decent coverage.



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Are you interested in a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) procedure? Because you want to keep your hair quite short, I assume you are interested in FUE. However, I wanted to ask before making any specific recommendations.


Otherwise, I invite you to review our recommended hair restoration physicians.


I hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey lonestar,


I'd also like to know the answer to this since I'm in the same boat.


I was also wondering if you got any results from fin before dropping it. I've been thinking of taking it for the past year but stories of side-effects scare me to death.

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Many with African hair swear by Dr. John Diep of Los Gatos, CA but personally, I felt better going elsewhere. African-type hair can curl under the skin so it's difficult to harvest the 1500 grafts in one day that a doctor can with Caucasian and Asian hair types but Dr. Diep was confident he could extract that number from my scalp in a day. I wasn't.


If I were you, I'd go with Dr. Patrick Mwamba. He limits himself to a maximum of 500 grafts a day with African hair types so if you needed 1500 grafts, he'd have to schedule 3 days of surgery.

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Many with African hair swear by Dr. John Diep of Los Gatos, CA but personally, I felt better going elsewhere. African-type hair can curl under the skin so it's difficult to harvest the 1500 grafts in one day that a doctor can with Caucasian and Asian hair types but Dr. Diep was confident he could extract that number from my scalp in a day. I wasn't.


If I were you, I'd go with Dr. Patrick Mwamba. He limits himself to a maximum of 500 grafts a day with African hair types so if you needed 1500 grafts, he'd have to schedule 3 days of surgery.

Can you explain why you wasn't confident in Dr. John Diep extracting 1500 grafts? He has also told me the same in confidence.
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Do NOT go to Thailand. I'm not saying that someone with African hair can't get a good result there - that would be stupid - but there are a couple of woeful results from surgeons in that country. The surgeons themselves are good but their techs leave a lot to be desired. There are even rumours that the techs and assistant surgeons do much more of the procedure than they should be doing. You don't want novices being trained on YOUR head


Check out the results for Jason5 who had a procedure with a recommended doctor in Thailand. The poor guy waited 18 months and ended up with utterly dreadful results



Can you imagine how Jason felt walking around with those results?


Trust me - if you want a HT, stick to the surgeons with solid results on African hair types.

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Can you explain why you wasn't confident in Dr. John Diep extracting 1500 grafts? He has also told me the same in confidence.


Extracting African hair using FUE is notoriously difficult because the hairs curl under the skin. This increases the chances of transection and, consequently, a poor yield.


Most surgeons can only extract and plant 1500 grafts a day using FUE from a patient with Caucasian/Asian type hair because the hairs grow straight under the skin too. Doing that with African type hair would raise the transection rate to an unacceptably high level.


Of course, it depends on just how curly each individual's hair is under the skin. The curlier it is, the more difficult it is to extract and Dr. Diep does say as much but I just felt more comfortable with a surgeon who wouldn't be racing against the clock to extract 1500 grafts in a day.

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