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FUE with Dr. Radha for May 2014 & hairgrowth


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Hi all,


I'll like to share my hairloss experience.


I'm Australian of Asian heritage. I'm 34 year old now.


I've first notice my hairloss when I was 21 but it didnt become an issue til I was 25. At 27 it become a major issue, my own fault I think because I was heavily using workout and body building supplements which boosted my testosterone levels. After realising this was happening, I ceased all workout supplements (LESSON for for everyone).


I first took finasteride when I was 28 for about a year, I had heavy shedding which I blamed on finasteride and therefore ceased taking fin. After I stopped, it appeared to me that my hair started to grow back but unfortunately it gradually fell out over the next2-3 years and I was worse off at that point than I was when I was 28. At this point I was 32-33.


For no particular reason, most probably a mixture of desperation and hope, I re-commenced finasteride in late 2012/early 2013 and have stayed on it despite have some wretched weeks/months where I had massive amounts of shedding. My previous attempt this was the point I gave up on finasteride. So people, stick with it, fin worked for me at 9-12months.


I started using 15% minoxidil around June 2013 which made shedding even worse. After 6 months, the shedding has eased up. I now have a lot of fine fuzz as well as thick hair.


I am happy with the results from Finasteride but it was shocking between the 3-6 month period. Then to add 15% monoxidil at the 6 month mark, I had massive shedding again. 6 month later it eased and my hair has come back. I think I'm at about 13-15 months now since taking finasteride.


BUT despite the good regowth results, I realise it's not permanent. I have lost 50% destiny and my hairline on the front left area. I don't intend to be taking fin and minox forever.


That is where HT comes in, it will provide permanent results


After some research, I come across www.hairrestorationnetwork.com.

I contacted Dr. Radha via email and over a period of 6-9 months I felt confident to book an FUE HT with her.

Initially I was going to opt for FUT, but what happens when I'm in 50/60/70? We naturally loose hair as we get older and it's not related to male pattern baldness. It doesnt matter when I'm in my late 50/60s if I loose my hair density and hairline. But it does matter that I have a FUT scar I can no longer conceal. Therefore the only procedure that best suits my needs is FUE.


Well thats all from me for now. Feel free to comment on my post and ask me any questions about my experience with 15% monoxidil and finasteride.


I have attached a photos of my hair from about 3 months, 9 months and current.












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  • Senior Member

She specialized in FUT. I haven't seen much experience from her on FUE. You should go for FUT because there is a difference in the thickness of hair too which comes from FUT vs FUE.

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  • 4 months later...


i have booked my HT appointment with Dr Radha on august 28th and I am also going for FUE for the same reason that you have mentioned. Don't want to be left with scar over the time.


But i am seeing you are the first one who posted all your results here about her FUE work. She is very genuine with FUT. But didn't know much about her FUE works, I choose her because of all the positive feedback from this forum.


I would like to have bit conversion with you? I hope it might give me lot of confident before i go under the knife. If you don't mind Can you please drop me a mail to my private mail id ramkumar.july@gmail.com.



Thank you,




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