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Dr Bhatti or Dr Pathomvanich


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Reading the reviews from this site has given me the confidence to go ahead with a HT so thank you to all my fellow HRN members for taking the time to share their experience and knowledge!!:)


However I am now in the position of having to decide which technique and which surgeon to choose and Im hoping you guys can give me some pointers.


Having read the many happy benefactors of Dr Bhatti's work using the FUE method I had originally concluded to proceed with him (cost, results, no scarring... etc), even sent him emails and pics to get the ball rolling.


BUT then Im reading about the work by Dr Patho and his refined open technique and Im not sure which option is better.


I have some photos attached and would really appreciate any advice you guys could give.


Cheers and thanks




Edited by David - TakingThePlunge
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  • 6 months later...

Let me start off by saying that I've always been a strong believer that you get what you paid for (either that or I'm too lazy to seek out the best bang for buck), and even though the reviews on this site of Dr Paths work have been overriding positive, it was still with some initial trepidation that I entered his clinic on the 6th September 2014 for my pre op consult. (I mean what if all the previous reviews dating back to 2012 were cash for comment members? Paranoid much you say?:) )


The first thing I noticed when I walked in was the view.... unparalleled views of Bangkok on the 32nd floor, but that's where the glitz and glamour ended. The initial consultation doctor was matter of fact, not pushy with a slight devil may care attitude that some with more sensitivity might even call a little nonchalant and sassy... but for me it actually put me more at ease. Perhaps these docs let their work speak for themselves....


After the consult Dr Path came and reviewed my case and confirmed 2500 but no more than 3000 grafts based on my hair and how it'll look, after which the consulting doctor suggested to me that I go home and have a think about whether I wanted the surgery and if so, speak to the secretary to organize a time. Although the doctors non pressuring manner is a testament to his professionalism, I was left perplexed, since I had come to Bangkok with a surgery date set for the 8th and a deposit paid.... was he telling me to reconsider? The truth quickly became known when the doc saw my perplexed face and the secretary intervened ( thereby beginning the start of the most fun I've ever had in a doctors surgery)


I could go on in greater detail (and for those considering Dr Path and wanting more details free to contact me) but in summary there were a few things that made me confident that Dr Path was a good choice.


1. His staff are excellent! These are clearly people who enjoy working there, because you couldn't be caring like they were if they didn't. ( one of the nurses would periodically massage my calves during the surgery cause she could tell I was nervous)

2. Perfectionist... The amount of time Dr Path used that laser guider to get my hairline symmetrical would put some surveyors to shame.

3. Fair. You hear people say beware thais trying to rip you off. (Wikipedia has a section dedicated to avoiding scams in Bangkok! ) but in this clinic you pay for what you're suppose to... my fut didn't yield the required 2500 grafts and so they used fue for the remainder but didn't charge me for the unsuccessful work even though it's not their fault my hairs don't like to clump together.

4. Artistic. I can't compare with other Dr's, but even when the surgery was done, Dr Path inserted some stray grafts near my hairline to give it more of a natural appearance... This is not some guy that goes by the book.

5. Transparent. They explained every step of the process, showed me what they were doing and why. Even the post op care was clearly described and comprehensive.... and these weren't people trying to rush me out the door once the surgery was done... they got me some food to eat and even lent me an umbrella since it was raining outside... This was around 6:30 past their finish time (cause my surgery took longer than expected)


Results wise clearly it's too early to tell since I just had the surgery but will endeavour to provide photos... but the whole experience makes me feel confident that the result will be as good as it could be....


Accommodation: I suggest staying at Abloom serviced apartments during Sept. Large Suite costs about $AUD57 a night, right next to Sanam Pao BTS station ( there's a shortcut hallway to apartments two shops down from the 7 eleven once you pass it on your left hand side). Even though Sept is peak monsoon season it only tended to rain late afternoon for a little bit, which is good since it cools the weather down and not being tourist season places weren't so busy.


happy to talk to people wanting to know more.



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  • Senior Member

I believe Dr Path is more of FUT rather than FUE surgeon??? They both are very good, I know Dr path FUT work is outstanding, Dr Bhatti FUE work is very good aswell. Im not sure what Dr Path charges for FUT or FUE but I guess you cant go wrong in choosing either of them.


Just do your homework in regards to FUT and FUE scaring.

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Hi Jay.


I'm guessing you posted your message before I posted mine yesterday since you can see from my most recent post that I've gone with Dr Path.... I'm hoping that the results are good... But time will tell . Cheers on the reply

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