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shampoo after HT

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Sorry for my bad english

I have a question


when we do a HT surgery,

I read that some doctors recommend to do a shampoo the day after a surgery and once a day during 2 weeks.


others recommend to wait 2 days before doing the the first shampoo


other said we need to wait 4 four days



Doctor like dr bernstein or Rassman recommend to do 3 shampoo a day after after the surgery during 1 week



It is very confused to me


What is the best regarding the shampoo after a HT?

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If at all possible I would let the clinic do the first couple washes and cleaning, and don't touch at all by yourself for the first 48 hours except for spray bottle misting. Stay at a local hotel if possible for this.

Then after that time very carefully use the cup and water technique of lightly "placing" shampoo and rinsing off by pouring water over the non treated area (no direct rubbing of grafted area) for 7-10 days.


After 7-10 days very lightly shampoo and massage but no hard scrubbing, to remove the scabs/crusts. Most docs recommendations seem to say you can go back to your normal shampoo routine after 14 days, except Dr. Rahal who says 1 month.

Btw, unless you sweat a lot once a day should be fine.


I've had good results with returning to normal after 14 days and being very careful for first 7-10 days.

good luck and remember the first 10 days and sticking to your surgeons instructions are the most critical part for good results

Edited by hsrp10

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


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I went to SMG, and dr shapiro said it is fine to shampoo first day after surgery in the morning.


But dr bernstein says to shampoo 3 times

see After FUT Hair Transplant Surgery & Post-op Instructions | Bernstein Medical


Why there is no common consensus about shampoo?

is there a survey to analyze the best way to shampoo?

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  • Senior Member

Why there is no common consensus about shampoo?

is there a survey to analyze the best way to shampoo?


can't answer the WHY's

only that there is not one


so that leaves us to LISTEN TO OUR DOCTOR'S INSTRUCTIONS exclusively


Been through one myself and i can tell you the LESS YOU DO TO THE GRAFTS IN THE FIRST WEEK, THE BETTER

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