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Dr Ibrahim Askar Femmeplast Hospital Istanbul


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Hello everyone.


I'm new to this forum and i need some input on the following.


Basically i want to get a hair transplant from turkey (because of the low costs), i contacted a couple of agencies 'GetHair' and 'Healthtourismtoturkey'. I am a complete newbie to this so to cut the story short, GetHair is offering ?1800 for hotel and aftercare etc (hair surgeon Tayfun Oguzoglu) and said 1500 grafts will give good density and will fill all the balding and thinning areas. Healthtourismtoturkey agency sent my pictures to the quite famous Dr Ibrahim Askar at Femmeplast (check on youtube, he even comes on Turkish television) and i was a bit confused after the agency replied saying i need 'Approx 4500' grafts for 1700Eur including hotel etc to cover the balding and thinning areas. How can the graft count be 3 times as much as GetHair? How can they be alot cheaper and a higher graft count?


I have spoken to healthtourismtoturkey agent called Serkan Ozkilic and he has said, and i quote "No Doctor in a hair transplant hospital will work on the patient, he will be like a supervisor to his medical doctor team". How true this is, i don't know.


GetHair said they will put 30-40 grafts per cm2 but healthtourismtoturkey won't say how much they will put :confused:

GetHair also told me that 4500 grafts can almost completely fill a fully bald head. I only have a hairline that has receded about 1.5 inch back from the temple area and about 2cm from the middle front of the hairline, it is starting to thin on top also.


So i want to know if anyone has dealt with any of these agencies or Dr Ibrahim Askar or surgeon Tayfun Oguzoglu.


All this researching is going to make all my hair fall soon :confused:


Thanks in advance

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  • Senior Member
Hello everyone.


I'm new to this forum and i need some input on the following.


Basically i want to get a hair transplant from turkey (because of the low costs), i contacted a couple of agencies 'GetHair' and 'Healthtourismtoturkey'. I am a complete newbie to this so to cut the story short, GetHair is offering ?1800 for hotel and aftercare etc (hair surgeon Tayfun Oguzoglu) and said 1500 grafts will give good density and will fill all the balding and thinning areas. Healthtourismtoturkey agency sent my pictures to the quite famous Dr Ibrahim Askar at Femmeplast (check on youtube, he even comes on Turkish television) and i was a bit confused after the agency replied saying i need 'Approx 4500' grafts for 1700Eur including hotel etc to cover the balding and thinning areas. How can the graft count be 3 times as much as GetHair? How can they be alot cheaper and a higher graft count?


I have spoken to healthtourismtoturkey agent called Serkan Ozkilic and he has said, and i quote "No Doctor in a hair transplant hospital will work on the patient, he will be like a supervisor to his medical doctor team". How true this is, i don't know.


GetHair said they will put 30-40 grafts per cm2 but healthtourismtoturkey won't say how much they will put :confused:

GetHair also told me that 4500 grafts can almost completely fill a fully bald head. I only have a hairline that has receded about 1.5 inch back from the temple area and about 2cm from the middle front of the hairline, it is starting to thin on top also.


So i want to know if anyone has dealt with any of these agencies or Dr Ibrahim Askar or surgeon Tayfun Oguzoglu.


All this researching is going to make all my hair fall soon :confused:


Thanks in advance


at these prices,assistants will be doing the work.your better off paying more and having the doctor do the important work,afterall your not going for a haircut,which will grow back.

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All good doctors do the extractions of the grafts and the creation of the incision sites themselves, it is then typical for the techs to plant the grafts into the recipient sites, that guy is lying to you. Go to Dr. Hakan Doganay, Dr. Koray Erdogan, or Dr. Demirsoy, in Turkey.

Dr. Hakan Doganay

Dr. Hakan Doganay

Dr. Hakan Doganay

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Thanks for your replies. I will contact them doctors that you just listed. Is there no one here that have never contacted them. Im surprised really because they are like at the top of google search results. Is it better to deal with the doctors directly rather than going through these agencies?

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Thanks for your replies. I will contact them doctors that you just listed. Is there no one here that have never contacted them. Im surprised really because they are like at the top of google search results. Is it better to deal with the doctors directly rather than going through these agencies?


I went to Doganay

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Skilled technicians can also perform a decent FUE work. I don't know the clinics you mention, but I went with one in the similar range (Dr. Maral) and I am very satisfied. Unless the agency is helping you with something specific, I'd say drop them and contact the clinics directly. Of course make sure to learn enough about the clinic first.

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Thanks for your reply. They are including the hotels and drop off to airport etc but now I am trying to contact the doctors directly to confirm things with them. The healthtourismtoturkey agent is making guarentees that they are willing to give free future surgeries if anything was to go wrong and said the doctor will not risk his reputation by using unqualified doctors on patients. Im just contacting them and confirming certain things. Im not leaving no stone unturned basically because its no joke to me and im not in a rush.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Hi hairforever87,


I wrote a long reply but for some reason it didnt get uploaded and lost it completely. So i am going to give you a summary of what i tried to explain and should you have any questions, feel free to ask.


1. I did my HT surgery with Femmeplast hospital (Dr. Ibrahim Askar) through the heal tourism company, gentleman named Mr. Serkan.


2. I also did a lot of research, however, i observed that doctors are good (thats why they are there in the first place) and everyone of them have good exeperience. The cost for HT operation varied from Euro 1600 ~ Euro 8000 (for 4000 grafts as in my case).


3. I learnt during my research that majority of the doctors would get their skilled team do the actual procedure i.e taking the grafts out from donor area and inserting the grafts. However, the hair line designs, directions and incisions/channeling would be done by the doctors. This way they save alot of time and cost. There are few doctors who would do the whole procedure themselves but the cost can be as high Euro 2 or more per graft.


4. My experience has been first call, right from the airport, to the hotel to the hospital, the surgery, back in hotel and later today they will drop me at the airport.


5. I had an 8 hour session, grafted 4100 grafts and the initial scars are looking good, haha...its actually the post operation care that is very important (as i am told).


6. The techs/nurses who were removing the grafts and later inserting them were good at their work. They were doing all the insertion with high speeds, i had 2 nurses/techs at any given point. They were laughing, chit chatting etc and i thought as far as they are happy and enjoying....i am good...i just didnt want to hear things like 'uh ohhh' or 'ooops call the doctor quick' lolzzzz nothing of that sort....! :)


Thats all i can give as a summary My experience with Serkan was good. I have been in touch with him on watsapp through my research and operation time and even while i am here in Turkey he has been very helpful. Its the customer service that i am very satisfied with in addition to my experience at the Femmeplast.


There were few minor negatives at the hospital but these do not affect the operation or results or my experience in anyway.


I am very excited to have a twist in my life, cant wait to see the results in the coming weeks and months....


Cheers and good luck

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Have you got any pre and post surgery pics? The doctors dont really talk to you directly which is quite odd really. You expect them to be involved from the start instead you talking to the receptionists. I contacted longevita because they got some videos of their patients. Anyway I contacted them and she throws me an offer for unlimited graft count the next day but also tries to force me to pay a deposit (€600 at first) but I said im not sending that amount to a person I dont know. She then calls me and I offered €100. Now she said that she will speak to the clinic and she emailed saying they accept €100 but I have to pay before march. Theres only one day left until march. So im still struggling to find someone who is not trying to sell a hair transplant to me. Has anyone tried istanbul hair centre?

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I dont think you should pay any deposit as i haven't heard any doctors asking for it.


I need to get my head around uploading the images....any ideas how do i do it?



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Congratulations! Look forward to updates.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • 1 month later...
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Here are my updated photos from week 7 (day 45).


Although I dont have very high expectations from the HT as i believe this will never get me the natural look, i will be fine if i cant be considered bald :). Having said that, can someone please guide me if the new hair come out in various stages? The reason i ask this is that I can see sprouts coming out but then some areas are still having bald pactches.

can anyone advise if the bald pactches (where new grafts were implanted) will have new hair coming out anytime soon?

Am i getting worried too early i.e. week 7?





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Here are my updated photos from week 7 (day 45).


Although I dont have very high expectations from the HT as i believe this will never get me the natural look, i will be fine if i cant be considered bald :). Having said that, can someone please guide me if the new hair come out in various stages? The reason i ask this is that I can see sprouts coming out but then some areas are still having bald patches.

can anyone advise if the bald patches (where new grafts were implanted) will have new hair coming out anytime soon?

Am i getting worried too early i.e. week 7?





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Did I read that right 4100 grafts in 8 hours via FUE extraction?!?!!? Wow I hope everything grows well for you my friend, but thats a lot of grafts to extract in one day let alone 8 hours... Interested to see your updates. Why did you not go to Erdogan or Dogonay?

You only live once...

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Here are my updated photos from week 7 (day 45).


Although I dont have very high expectations from the HT as i believe this will never get me the natural look, i will be fine if i cant be considered bald :). Having said that, can someone please guide me if the new hair come out in various stages? The reason i ask this is that I can see sprouts coming out but then some areas are still having bald pactches.

can anyone advise if the bald pactches (where new grafts were implanted) will have new hair coming out anytime soon?

Am i getting worried too early i.e. week 7?




you will not get spectacular coverage,your bald spot is pretty big,like mine,you should get decent coverage,you will probably need a second ht for more density,and i doubt they put in 40 cm2,it looks more like 25cm2,and i'm not sure of 4500 grafts in 8 hours,that sounds impossible,they did3976 grafts on me in 2 sessions(days)at 6 to 7 hours each.

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don't look in the Mirror for at least five months,after you should start seeing growth,the first 1 to 5 months it gets ugly.after that it will start growing like wires and patchy,not even.

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Hmm interesting, the comments are encouraging.


I too think the density is in the range of 25-30 per cm2. Again this all tie up with ones expectation.


The waiting period is killing me, lol


I counted the grafts roughly, they were over4000. They used the microFUE extraction which apparently gives very short extraction time.....Though it damages the donor area more than manual extraction does.

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