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lowering oestrogen

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Hi Guys, I posted this in the medication forum aswell as I am pretty desperate.


Thankyou all for your help in advance. I was hoping someone may have some advice or experience with dealing with excess oestrogen. I am not a novice to this industy unfortunantly and have been deeling with my hair loss for 18 years now. I have taken finasteride and Avodart as a combination for the previos 4 years and had excellent results. Its a lot of medication I know however it worked very well for me to grow and maintain my hair to avoid further surgeries. I had surgery in 06

Recently I overdosed I guess you could say on medication and raided my oestrogen levels high enough to start getting gyno, sweeting, shedding etc and generally feeling like I am going through meapouse.

In the end I ended up tapering of all my medication then ceased all of it for 4 months only to loose a lot of my hair. My body can only seem to tolerate very small amounts of finasteride now after 4 months and I think oestrogen if not playing a role in me loosing my hair through messing with androgens or something it is certainly restricting me from taking meds like I used too.


Has anyone had any experience with lowering there oestregen using oestrogen blockers or other meds. I would like to do this however I have concerns it will just leed to other issues I am not aware of. So the question is I guess do you guys think I can lower my oestrogen or block it without having any adverse effect on my hair regrowth?


Has anyone used oestrogen blockers in the past and if so which ones.


Thanks guys I am pretty desperate at the moment as I am watching 18 years of good work go down the drain through being silly with my medication dosage.

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not sure what "oestrogen" is but my estrogen levels were high and my endo put me on a an herbal hormone supplement that contained DIM, green tea extract and some other ingredients that balances and protects from hormones (DHT, estrone, etc)


i'd go to an endocrinologist to determine just how "out of balance" your hormone levels are


i have not gotten new bloods yet to see if my levels are now balanced but am due for one soon


also i did not have any symptoms


so maybe your needs hormone supplement rather than herbal

although this is a guess


check with an endo

this is an easy fix

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thanks rev, yes i have certainly had my levels checked many times over the last 6 months and my oestrogen levels are consistently above the normal range ie normal 50-150 pmol/L . Mine have been sitting at around 174 pmol/l. My testosterone levels prior to ceasing medication were also on the high side of normal.when i ceased medication my testosterone levels dropped significantly after 4 months however my oestrogen remained at 168 pmol/l and did not decrease with my testosterone. The issue i have found with endocrinologists i have seen are they are dismissive of my issue because its only hair and are reluctant to interfere with my hormonal system at all. Basically they think i am crazy for messing with it in the first place. I have a dr from an ant ageing clinic who has no problems altering my hormonal system however i just need some advice and feedback hopefully from here before i put anything into my body that may effect my hair growth negatively. I.e block testosterone from converting to dht then block eostrogen aswell, what does that cause? If anything.

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I agree with Rev: see a board certified endocrinologist.


Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Also: please don't create duplicate threads. They will always be merged or deleted.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Thanks future...


I agree with rev too ...fact it seems an easy fix is what is so frustrating. I have high estrogen, my body cant tolerate hair loss meds anymore, why dont i take something to balance my hormones? Sounds easy but isnt proving to be.

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