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Experience with Alpecin

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  • Senior Member

Been using Alpecin Caffine shampoo for a couple of weeks now. It was a gift and TBH I wasn't expecting anything to happen at all but I was game for a bash at it.


I have to admit, there is definitely something happening. I can't feel this 'tingle' that people talk about at all when using it but looking in the mirror there are a few more noticeable tiny thin but visibly dark hairs sprouting from the parts of my hairline that have the deep receding. I think that my vellus hairs in those parts are longer and a bit thicker as well.


I have no idea if it's the Alpecin or the fact that I'm being super healthy and have quit smoking or maybe a combination of both but the activity is certainly there although I'm pretty sure it would disappear just as fast if I stopped using. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing to shout home about and a step back from the mirror makes them disappear but it just goes to show that hair CAN be coaxed into re-growing, we just need to figure out how to make it more effective/thick and then perhaps permanent. :)


Note - I have only been leaving it in for the standard 2 minutes and I haven't been using it every day either but I heard some people say that 10 minutes is better so I may give that a whirl over the next few weeks


At the very least it's a decent shampoo and doesn't smell 'medical' I have long hair so I usually condition as well but I went out last night after just using the Alpecin and nothing else and everything was fine.

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  • Senior Member

I've not tried it, but here is an older thread.



would like to try the double effect shampoo for dandruff

go dense or go home


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  • Senior Member

Thanks it's good to read about others experiences.


I've certainly not found it thick or sludgy like people are saying in that thread. I may try the double effect stuff as well. I don't have dandruff but I have a spot of dematitis behind my ears and it goes a bit into the hair.

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  • Regular Member

Used the shampoo a couple of years ago, did not rate it... But just this week, I started using the Liquid Hair Energiser...I'm not expecting anything spectacular and certainly do not feel any tingling like it has been reported...but it's very good to comb the hair in the morning.

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  • Senior Member

I think it's just the case of as with most things different people will react differently to it. I'm tempted to try it along with Rogaine/regaine or whatever it's called and see what happens. I stopped taking propecia due to the almost humiliating inconvenience to get a supply from my doctor and the ever increasing price so might be worth trying out.

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