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Emu Oil // Bio oil

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  • Senior Member

Can i use Emu Oil on my HT 6 months post op??

Do you guys feel that it can improove something?


What about Bio oil for the scar??? Which is better Emu oil or Bio oil? Ty

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Is there a reason why you want to use Emu Oil on your recipient area 6 months after surgery? It's not going to promote faster growth if that's what your concerned about.


At 6 months, the scar should be pretty well healed as well however, Vitamin E oil can help facilitate healing if you feel there's a need for it at this point.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Hey Bill ty man... i'm just a little worried because i used rogaine for 1 moth. 3th - 4th HT month, then i stopped because it was giving me a lot of pimples. After that i didn't see much going on my HT. It's not bad for 6 months you know, but i've seen a lot better results.

My scar looks very very good as well.


Unfortunately i can't take pics because i don't have a digital camera, just cell phone VGA cam.

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