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Post-op facial swelling due to anesthesia..

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Hi guys im 3 days post op (2700 FUE with Dr. Jose Lorenzo) and wanted to share with you the swelling that occured after surgery.


Dr Lorenzo talked with me about it post-op and said that i may swell around the forehead/eyes/nose area due to the anesthesia injected into the forehead....he was right too as on day 2 post-op i woke to looking like id gone a few rounds with mike tyson! My right eye was almost closed, swollen around the eye lid and nose etc. i tried not to panic and read my post-op care notes as well as remembered what lorenzo told me and that was to massage it out to break it down then drink plenty of water so your kidneys can flush it all out.


True to his word and recommendation i woke today (3 days post op) with the swelling moved away from my eye, dramatically reduced and now just slightly in my cheekbone area. Phew im not going be permanently disfigured!!! I Hope this helps anyone who has an adverse reaction to the anesthesia like me and hasnt been informed that this may occur, luckily for me i had a surgeon who dots the 'i's' and crosses the 't's'!!!!

Edited by northernslaphead

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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This is not an adverse reaction but a common one. All it is liquid moving down from your head and usually last around 48 hours. Some people don't get it because the canals around the eyes or nose or usually able flow the liquid out before if becomes swollen. Usually the higher amount of graft in the hairline the more liquid the more chance of being swollen. Its good that you are relaxed because I have seem this many time and a lot worse than the pictures you have showed.

There was a famous singer in September that freaked out when he started swelling. He called me in a panic his doctor who he send pictures said it was not normal and some of the swelling wouldn't go away. I started laughing and he wasn't happy because I knew it would go away. Sure enough three days later he called me and told me I was right.

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thanks for taking the time to reply Lorenzo! yes it did panic me for sure that morning when i woke but like you say it did go down of its own accord and i think the massaging of the area and drinking water has really helped too. You're right i could see the fluid moving around once id massaged it away from my eye/nose area and its now come to rest around my cheeks....aka chipmunk face!!!:) you can see the recovery here in the photos...



northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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