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FUE by Dr Reddy - 1307 grafts, 3603 hair, correction work

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30 year old male came to us requesting correction work. He had 3 FUT surgeries in the past and felt the density was very poor in the front.


On examination, he appeared to have a lot of scarring in the recipient area & we believed that it might have the reason behind the poor growth. It was also established that his hair loss was pretty stable and the only loss he ever had was the shock loss associated with the previous surgeries.


He was counselled that his yield might not be excellent because of the significant scarring.

1307 grafts were transplanted in 1 day yielding 3603 hair. Extraction was fairly straightforward despite the previous FUT scars, however placement was difficult due to a lot of popping.


Attached are photos 9 months after. He is happy with the outcome, though we believe a couple of hundred grafts will make it better. He is not on any hair loss medication



I represent Dr. Raghu Reddy


Dr. Raghu Reddy is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network.

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My god those strip scars are terrible... The frontal third looks much fuller now after the operation with Reddy. Did the patient also have some minor FUE work prior to Dr Reddy? I can see some very faint FUE scars but I could be totally wrong.

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My god those strip scars are terrible... The frontal third looks much fuller now after the operation with Reddy. Did the patient also have some minor FUE work prior to Dr Reddy? I can see some very faint FUE scars but I could be totally wrong.


No he didn' t have any FUE before

I represent Dr. Raghu Reddy


Dr. Raghu Reddy is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network.

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