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Iron Deficiency (Ferritin) and Hair Loss - Iron Supplements Helped Me!!


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I just thought I'd share my own personal experience with this. Several months back, I began losing massive amounts of hair all over my head. It seriously freaked me out. I thought about everything that might possibly cause this sudden loss and remembered that I had recently discovered an iron deficiency. (Unfortunately for me, despite eating a fair amount of red meat and green leafy vegetables, my body just doesn't absorb iron well.)


I'd had an iron deficiency for quite some time actually that went unnoticed. The reason it went unnoticed was because my bioavailable iron levels were fine, but none of my doctors ever thought to check my ferritin levels (iron storage).


I did some research on this and sure enough, I found a ton of info that correlated low ferritin with hair loss. In most cases, however, it was noted with women, presumably because most men do not suffer from low iron.


The average male has a ferritin level of about 150 ng/ml. Mine was at 1.3 ng/ml!! So I began taking supplements about 5 months ago. The last time I had my ferritin levels checked, they had risen to 24 ng/ml and that was a couple of months ago. I'll be checking them again within the next month. According to my doc, it is ideal to get your ferritin level to at least 70 ng/ml.


Anecdotally, what I can honestly say is that taking iron supplements--specifically, I take ferrous fumarate tablets--has had a TREMENDOUS impact on my hair. My hair has stopped falling out in large amounts and has thickened throughout, quite noticeably.


That being said, if you notice sudden, rapid thinning, you might want to have your iron levels checked by your doctor, specifically your level of ferritin. Also, please note, that without having your levels checked, it is incredibly foolish to just start taking iron supplements. Too much iron can be toxic.


I searched for the topic of ferritin before posting, and there are very few posts on it, most of them old. So I just thought I'd share my personal story with it. Obviously, I may still succumb to more male pattern baldness, but the low iron was definitely causing some of my issues.

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