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Ways to keep HT grafts from going dormant


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After many years of HT and procedures, I have a formula for keeping new HT grafts from going dormant. Normally, after HT, the HT hairs fall out and stay dormant up to 3-6 months before growing again. For me, I have limited the majority of hairs from going dormant and start growing day of HT. Here is what works for me.


* GraftCyte spray day of surgery every 30 min for 7 days (gets copper peptide into scalp)


* Propecia 2x a day (am/pm) 2 weeks prior to surgery through 6 weeks afer surgery (at 8 wk go back to once a day)


* Day after surgery start NOX2 (nitro oxide- a vasodilator for the extreme capularies allowing more blood/nutrient flow into the smallest of vessels--like the scalp)


* Day after surgery start on 3,000mg of vit C, 1,000 IU of E, 50mg of Zinc, SawPalmetto, and multivitiam a day.


* Shampoo per directions: with Nioxin cleanser (not conditioner, 4 weeks after add conditioner)


* 2 weeks after HT, Rogaine 5% on receipient area for 6 weeks.


* Fish Oil/containing Omega 3 fatty acids (1 pill a day)


* 1 shot of Alerva Oil daily (liquid form)


* 1 gram of protein per 2lbs of bodyweight

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  • Senior Member

After many years of HT and procedures, I have a formula for keeping new HT grafts from going dormant. Normally, after HT, the HT hairs fall out and stay dormant up to 3-6 months before growing again. For me, I have limited the majority of hairs from going dormant and start growing day of HT. Here is what works for me.


* GraftCyte spray day of surgery every 30 min for 7 days (gets copper peptide into scalp)


* Propecia 2x a day (am/pm) 2 weeks prior to surgery through 6 weeks afer surgery (at 8 wk go back to once a day)


* Day after surgery start NOX2 (nitro oxide- a vasodilator for the extreme capularies allowing more blood/nutrient flow into the smallest of vessels--like the scalp)


* Day after surgery start on 3,000mg of vit C, 1,000 IU of E, 50mg of Zinc, SawPalmetto, and multivitiam a day.


* Shampoo per directions: with Nioxin cleanser (not conditioner, 4 weeks after add conditioner)


* 2 weeks after HT, Rogaine 5% on receipient area for 6 weeks.


* Fish Oil/containing Omega 3 fatty acids (1 pill a day)


* 1 shot of Alerva Oil daily (liquid form)


* 1 gram of protein per 2lbs of bodyweight

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by Smoothy:


* GraftCyte spray day of surgery every 30 min for 7 days (gets copper peptide into scalp)



* Day after surgery start NOX2 (nitro oxide- a vasodilator for the extreme capularies allowing more blood/nutrient flow into the smallest of vessels--like the scalp)



* Shampoo per directions: with Nioxin cleanser (not conditioner, 4 weeks after add conditioner)


* 1 shot of Alerva Oil daily (liquid form)



Where can I get GraftCyte spray the cheapest?


NOX2- Is this something at GNC or what is it and where can I get some - sounds like laughing gas- Nitrous-oxide ?


Nioxin Cleanser- Where can I get it?


Alerva Oil- What is it and where can I get some?? Internal or rub it on your head?



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  • Senior Member

Nox2 can be bought at GNC but is expensive, you save 50% by buying through www.netrition.com.

GraftCyte can be purchased on the internet. ProCyte is the company that makes it. Or your surgeon can sell it to you directly.


Nioxin is a shampoo that helps remove DHT at the scalp surface level and cleans the oil from scalp-- it can be bought at http://www.sn2000.com/ or other internet sites.


Alavera Oil is a comes in pill and liquid-- take the liquid drink a shot daily-- can be bought at any pharmacy/grocery store/wal-mart.


Also, I forgot to mention MSM-- 3,000mg daily (1,000mg each meal)-- you can buy at any grocery store/pharmacy/GNC.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks Smoothy.


I just want to double check something. Is the spelling correct for Alavera Oil? This is not Aloe Vera from the burn plant, is it?

I ask because you spelled it different in the 1st post and I just want to search for the right stuff.


I just ordered the Nox2, Nioxin cleanser and conditioner. Thanks for all the great info.


This is my 10 day count down until Vancouver!

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