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FUE 2500 with Dr Villnow


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Hi there,


I had 2500 FUE grafts with Dr Villnow in February this year and now it's OCtobr.


So I'm going to put up some photos now to show my progress.


I heard of Dr Villnow because he treated the Borussia Dortmund coach Jurgen Klopp who played Bayern Munich in the Champions League final this year.


I visited his clinic in Germany in January and I saw the doctor for a consultation. He was very calm and has a lot of experince. Hsi clinic had lots of modern equipment and he showed me lots of photos of his patients while I was there.


I liked the price he was offering and so I booked a date. I got the operation date for one month later.


Here are some photos from before the operation.




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Very interesting. Looking at the hairline that he created and the coverage he was attempting with 2500 grafts I was pretty nervous. But looking at the 9 months pictures I'd say everything is looking pretty good. I'd be interested to seeing operation pics if you got them.


From the design and hair count I was thinking it was going to look too thin. You have the ideal hair texture for a HT. Not using Topix or anything right?

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