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fine hair = higher density??

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  • Regular Member

I was reading an article on the web about what to do for an oily scalp and they made the statement in the article that people with fine hair (smaller diameter) have higher density (more hair per sqare centimeter) than people with coarser or wider diameter hair.


This made me wonder about donor density in people with fine hair maybe being higher than others. Of course, they could just mean on the top of the scalp it's a higher density??


Has anyone ever heard of this correlation between thickness of hair shaft and density?


I'll try and find the article.

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  • Regular Member

I was reading an article on the web about what to do for an oily scalp and they made the statement in the article that people with fine hair (smaller diameter) have higher density (more hair per sqare centimeter) than people with coarser or wider diameter hair.


This made me wonder about donor density in people with fine hair maybe being higher than others. Of course, they could just mean on the top of the scalp it's a higher density??


Has anyone ever heard of this correlation between thickness of hair shaft and density?


I'll try and find the article.

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  • Senior Member

I'm no expert, but do have fine hair.


I'm not sure how much donor my 'plug' session 18 years ago wasted, but Cooley said I have about 3,000 grafts left in the donor. So, with 2500 I got this past surgery you'd think my donor area is 'average' or lower than. I suppose that first session got about 1,000 out, if Latham's had of used microscopes and trimmed out the FU's. That would put me at about 6500.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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