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Want my hairline back. Minoxidil from Belgravia or FUE surgery?

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  • Regular Member

My hairline receded quite quickly about 4-5 years ago.

Thing is, the hair never receded any further.

I have hated it for so long and just want the hairline back, at least a bit.


I have been on propecia for four months, and want to buy some minoxidil 12.5% with azaelic acid from the Belgravia hair loss centre.

Is it worth it ? Are they over priced?


How much is follicle transplantation these days ? Are we talking more than 2000 pounds.

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  • Senior Member

As I said in your other thread. the 12.5% minoxidil and propecia will help what you still have. If you have areas that are fully bald at the front it wont do much for them.


Likely your best course of action is the meds AND the transplant.


Belgravia are very overpriced, but I experimented and came off their stuff for 6 months and went with cheaper alternatives and my hair loss got a lot worse. Now after 2 months back on it my hair is very thick all over again.


I tried finpecia and 5% kirkland foam, but now back to Belgravia's propecia and 12.% cream with AA.


Maybe I just got a dud batch of finpecia or something, who knows. Not a risk I'm going to take again though!

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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  • Regular Member
As I said in your other thread. the 12.5% minoxidil and propecia will help what you still have. If you have areas that are fully bald at the front it wont do much for them.


Likely your best course of action is the meds AND the transplant.


Belgravia are very overpriced, but I experimented and came off their stuff for 6 months and went with cheaper alternatives and my hair loss got a lot worse. Now after 2 months back on it my hair is very thick all over again.


I tried finpecia and 5% kirkland foam, but now back to Belgravia's propecia and 12.% cream with AA.


Maybe I just got a dud batch of finpecia or something, who knows. Not a risk I'm going to take again though!


Iv got 6 months of there minoxidil 12.5 for ?300.

I decided to just go for it, as I cannot afford a hair transplant at all at the moment.

Is the 300 overpriced do you think.


I don't see much to compare it with, where else does such a formula as the 12.5 with acid ?

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