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Scabs Falling Off

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  • Regular Member

Anyone have any feedback on when the scabs should fall off, or any advice to speed it up. I've heard everything from 5-14 days.


Right now my wash routine was:

Day 0-1 - Keep my cap on

Day 2 - Spray head with hydrogen peroxide, wait 10 minutes. Wash hair by pouring warm water gently from a cup, doing the same with shampoo

Day 3-8 - Same routine, excluding the peroxide


Anything else I can do? I've heard saline, aloe vera, etc.


I have a party to go to on Day 9, but I can get away with wearing a hat. I have to go back to work Day 11, so that's the first day it will really matter what I look like. I'm not worried about the donor area - the staples will be out by then; but I'm hoping the recipient area will be presentable by then (or at least to the point I can cover with Toppik).


I'm in a wedding Day 16, so I'm really hoping all the scabs have healed by then, and I can get a haircut (cut the back & sides to a length just enough so the scar is not visible). I'm ok with looking a bit crappy at work, but by the wedding, I'd like to at least look decent. It's ok if I look a little balder, but I'm hoping there aren't a bunch of scabs (redness is OK).


Just for reference, I'm not completely bald - do have some hair for coverage. I attached pics of my hair pre-HT (with Toppik), pre-HT without, and today (Day 5 post-HT).




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  • Senior Member

Many clinics suggest gently working the scabs off with your fingertips under the shower at day 10. You may want to check with your clinic. Dr. Rahal for example suggests doing this at day 14.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Regular Member

Just met with the doc today. He recommended massaging them off. Once I took a normal shower under the showerhead they started dropping like flies, and it's only Day 8. The nurse had recommended either Vitamin E capsules or olive oil, but it's looking like that won't be necessary

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