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4 weeks post op need reassurance / help

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  • Senior Member

Im 4 weeks out of fue surgery .

Iv been here before but still paranoid.

My scalp has alot ofwhat i presume to be dried /flaky skin which just needs picked.

Its comes out in quite a lump .

My concern is am i damaging the grafts by doing so.

My brain is telling me at 4 weeks the grafts are locked in but can t help thinking i am damiging some how .

There are hairs in the dried skin ,no blood etc .

Is this normal and am i just being paranoid?

Its so hard when so much dried skin which comes of in massive lumps when picked.flaked off

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  • Regular Member

Very normal dingdong, i had this at 3-4 weeks. It has stopped since last week. Give it a week or two, you are just shedding dead skin which normally occurs after scabs fall off. I would not pick the dried skin if i were you. What i did was just rub the scalp gently after soaking my head in warm water for 5-10 minutes while in shower. Also, have you been using rogain since week 3 post-op as per the doctor's instructions? I noticed tons of flakiness after starting rogain and eventually gave up the treatment because i just wasnt convinced that i could keep up with this messy regimen twice a day for the rest of my life.. will stick to pills i guess.

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