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Lingering redness and small bumps in recipient area 5 months post-op

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  • Senior Member

Hi folks,


I am almost 5 months post-op after 3000 grafts (FUE) with Dr De Reys. I shaved my head to a #1 grade on the weekend and have noticed small bumps in the recipient areas in the temples and crown (actually pretty much everywhere where grafts were implanted). However, I can only notice these bumps under bright lighting. There is also lingering redness in the temples. Could this be cobblestoning and should I be concerned? I am reasonably happy with the hair growth I have got so far.






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  • Senior Member

I definitely see the bumps you're talking about. It doesn't appear to be severe perhaps a mild case of cobble stoning. I would contact the doctor and see what they say first. Try some aloe Vera for the redness.

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  • Regular Member

Hi - I wouldn't be too concerned about the redness. Mine lasted for as long as yours and up until the point where the hairs had matured enough which then concealed it. It went eventually.


As other recommend you speak with your clinic with regards to the other matter.


Good luck

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  • Regular Member

Hey Fitnessjunkie, I am now one month post operation and I also have these small bumps. I have just done some research on cobblestoning and apparently this was only an issue when doctors would transplant large plugs and that it is not common with modern techniques. As Dr De Reys only transplanted small grafts, as opposed to plugs it should not happen.


Have you contacted Rudi, and if so, what did he say? I contacted Nick the other day, as it looks like some of my grafts are actually growing now. He contacted Rudi, and gave me a very detailed response of why it may have occurred and that it is not something to worry about. I would contact Nick, as he is always quick to reply.


Your hair is looking good now, although I believe you have to wait 12-18 months for the full results! Can't wait until I am 5 months post op!!


Take it easy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Here's the response I received from Dr Reys' rep. I've began to re-apply the aloe vera gel so will see how the redness and small bumps progress:


"Dear FJ,

Dr De Reys has looked at your photos and says that this does not look like folliculitis. He says it is normal for the skin to show small bumps as some of the new grafts start to appear.

Folliculitis bumps appear as pustules with seepage. The folliculitis pustules are large and very visible. This is not folliculitis.

What often happens is that small bumps appear as new hairs start to push through the surface of the skin. Since you are at 5 and a half months, this is exactly the time when the hew hairs start to grow.

Dr De Reys asks if you are using the aloe vera shampoo regularly. This helps to alleviate redness. Both the redness and the bumps will disappear as the new hairs start to grow.

Dr De Reys asks whether it was a medical practitioner who suggested you had folliculitis. He suggests that of course you should see your general practitioner if you are still concerned although in his opinion, this is a normal skin development after a hair transplant.

Can you let us know if you are in any pain?

Kind regards,


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  • Senior Member

I agree that an in person examination with a dermatologist or another reputable doctor would be beneficial to get a closer look if the condition persists.


Hope you see improvement with this condition.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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