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Proscar: covered by insurance? Effects of switching?


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I've been taking Finasteride (3x per week, cut into quarters) for the past 15 months, and things seem to be going well. My crown is improved, and frontal loss seems to have stopped or at least slowed down. I only have to pay $5 out of pocket for it, as well.


My HT surgeon gave me a prescription for Proscar, claiming that the generic is less effective. I'm fine with switching over, but have a few concerns:

-Does insurance generally cover this? I know it's also prescribed for prostate issues..so do they have any way of checking whether its being prescribed for hair loss purposes? My insurance always requires generic (when available), so I'm concerned for that reason as well.

-I find it interesting that the brand name would be more effective. Aren't they the EXACT same chemical compound?

-If i did make the switch, can I expect anything to change as far as how my body tolerates it (which is rather well, for now) during the 'transition' period from generic to brand-name?



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