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Does Propecia cause shedding?


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Hi, I'm wondering... does propecia cause initial shedding much in the same way that using Rogaine would?


Or would I expect less shedding with propecia as opposed to rogaine?


Just had hair transplant surgery and want to keep what I already had!


I'm thinking of trying propecia for a year and then adding rogaine if the propecia doesn't satisfy me.

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  • Senior Member

Propecia does cause initial shedding but it's temporary. Usually you'll start to see a significant reduction in natural hair loss around 6 months and if you were to regrow dormant hair it would most likely start showing up from 9-12 months. If you're able to do both rogaine foam and propecia now I'd suggest it as it will give you the best odds of keeping your native hair and also the best chances of regrowing some.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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