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Two and Three Month Photos

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Hey Guys,

Since today is my three month mark, I thought I would take some photos. I updated my two and three month markers. Month two was really rough as I look much more bald than when I started. At month three, I have a significant number of hairs that have broken the surface and it is starting to define a hairline. It appears that I will be an early grower. There is hair sprouting everywhere even though the photos are not picking it all up. I am looking forward to month four. I am optomistic at this point. Please let me know your thoughts.

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  • Senior Member

Hey Guys,

Since today is my three month mark, I thought I would take some photos. I updated my two and three month markers. Month two was really rough as I look much more bald than when I started. At month three, I have a significant number of hairs that have broken the surface and it is starting to define a hairline. It appears that I will be an early grower. There is hair sprouting everywhere even though the photos are not picking it all up. I am looking forward to month four. I am optomistic at this point. Please let me know your thoughts.

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TC - I believe that the break was approximately 2300 in the hairline and temples and the remaining 1740 in the crown. These are just close estimations. When Dr Rahal and I discussed the plan he asked what bothered me most about my hair. I told him it was first and foremost the temple recession and lack of framing of my face. We decided to concentrate more in the front and less in the back but understanding that a future procedure would eventually be needed. Although I expect to have a good result, my challenge is thin, straight hair probably average or slightly below in terms of fineness. None the less, I am getting excited knowing I am shifting to the growing phase.

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  • Senior Member

Looking good! I will bet you that 10 months from now, your going to be shocked at how different your hair looks - best of luck.

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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I just posted on your blog as well. It appears that there is still a bit of postoperative redness at 3 months. I actually had extended redness up to 5 months for my second procedure, but it eventually went away.


I see some signs of growth. I expect the explosion of growth will start any day now :-)



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Originally posted by Abedogg:

Lately I've seen a lot of Rahal's patients start growing early. Was there anything he suggested you do pre-ht? Are you on Rogain?





Hey Abe,

Dr Rahals post op instructions does include Rogaine.


Clint you are looking good. Does your hair stand up naturally? I wish you the best of luck! icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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Abedogg - Yes, I am taking Rogaine. I used Rogain prior to my surgery but only once daily. I stopped prior to my surgery per Dr Rahal's instructions but resumed two weeks post HT. I am now using it twice daily. I am also using Nizoral 2% twice weekly.


Hair hope - Thanks, I am looking forward to the next several months.



Bill - Yes, I still have just a slight bit of post op redness. That being said, it seems that the pics make it look more red than it actually is. In person, it is much more difficult to see the redness. I am hoping for a nice growth explosion in month 4.


Wantego - Yes,lol my hair does stand up naturally! As it gets longer, it should start to lay down.


Thanks for the comments and encouragement guys. Clint

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  • Senior Member

Looking good Clint!! I remember the two month mark being worse than before and do not miss it as I am sure you won't. You are beginning to see what is to come for you which must be thrilling.


You are going to really be loving it in a couple more months!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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