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Video response by Dr. Feller

I know I didn't get to all your questions, I just threw this video together. I'll put together a more complete answer for you very soon.


This is great. The video responses are a really good idea. You can say so much more... and I don't have to read ;)... and it probably takes less time than to type once you get the swing of it, if from a cell phone. Most importantly, we like it. :D


So, the 1,000 grafts in '91 basically did not do much. Obviously the 2,200 grafts 10 years later went well. But I was wondering how many grafts the third procedure? Would you say it filled in the front 2/3 well? It's hard to tell in the video the size of the area that wasn't touched.


Have you any idea of the density cm2 in the hairline and behind?


I was wondering why you did not have a larger session than 2,200 grafts. Or was donor properties an issue? I know I am asking a lot of questions, I don't know what's come over me.


Andrea come through here a bit the day before. Hope you fared out well.


oh, is that a reference to Anchorman there at the end?

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  • Senior Member

Dr. Feller,


I'm continuing to enjoy your video responses! I think that this kind of informal and off-the-cuff approach really gives those of us who have not had the pleasure of meeting you in person the sense that, in addition to being one of the world's leading hair transplant surgeons, you are "one of us". Thank you for candidly discussing and presenting your own hair restoration journey!


On a side note, we here in Cape Coral, FL had the pleasure of meeting Tropical Storm Andrea on Thursday and I'm happy she went on her merry way without leaving too much destruction in her wake. Stay dry!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • Senior Member
Strip and FUE in synergy sounds a good approach,

I think your videos are getting cult status.





Great word.


I love the 'best of both worlds' rhetoric too, except remember that FUE does not and never will, 'reduce' a strip scar. It doesn't hide it...it exposes it by thinning the covering hair.


Obviously Dr. F and Dr. B are the great, but this 'marketing synergy' going on here is a bit much to let pass, without saying hi:)


cult status??? ..must have been the fireplace?

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I love the 'best of both worlds' rhetoric too, except remember that FUE does not and never will, 'reduce' a strip scar. It doesn't hide it...it exposes it by thinning the covering hair.




That's true if you have had a bad scar but if you have a good scar or good scarring history and want to totally maximize your donor there is no better option than maxing out with strip and then maxing out fue. So in a patient with a good strip scar, fue and strip can definitely work in synergy.


And OMG Dr. Feller these video responses are awesome, lol!! Good to see a HT doctor being completely candid about his own procedures and being 100% honest about the reality of HT surgery!

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  • Senior Member
That's true if you have had a bad scar !


No, it's not true if you have a bad scar. It is true period - whether it is a 'bad' ear-to-ear scar, or an 'excellent' ear-to-ear scar. The FUE will thin out the zone above the scar thereby exposing it more. Now you can argue that planting FUE in the scar will disguise it - and you would be right, but that is 'robbing Peter to pay Paul' , albeit a necessary tactic at times.


By the way, I love it when Dr. Feller posts a video too. I think I know both Dr. B and Dr. Feller prefer to do strip. (No, I am not God, just speculating from my experience.)


As for maximum grafts, I think you might be right, but never forget that it must be somewhere around 10% of grafts in a strip go in the bin every time, because they are lost - in rest phase (telogen)


Most interesting thing to come out of the video was Dr. Feller's comments re. skin elasticity and collagen. He even admits (and this is where you love Dr. F more) to doing strip surgery where the prognosis for bad strip scar is in order (so much the for the horses-for-courses spin) and subsequently, being pleasantly surprised at the great scar outcomes in these cases.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Bump for Dr. Feller?


This is great. The video responses are a really good idea. You can say so much more... and I don't have to read ;)... and it probably takes less time than to type once you get the swing of it, if from a cell phone. Most importantly, we like it. :D


So, the 1,000 grafts in '91 basically did not do much. Obviously the 2,200 grafts 10 years later went well. But I was wondering how many grafts the third procedure? Would you say it filled in the front 2/3 well? It's hard to tell in the video the size of the area that wasn't touched.


Have you any idea of the density cm2 in the regions as a final result?


I was wondering why you did not have a larger session than 2,200 grafts. Or was donor properties an issue? I know I am asking a lot of questions, I don't know what's come over me.


Andrea come through here a bit the day before. Hope you fared out well.


oh, is that a reference to Anchorman there at the end?

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