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Is an itchy scalp to be expected 3 months after HT?

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Hi all,


As per my title I had a hair transplant exactly 3 months ago in my frontal one third and temples area.


Am still very much in the ugly duckling phase and I would think a lot of the transplanted hairs shed later than might be normally expected with most guys. However am using concealer and getting through it. No pain, no gain and all that and I do believe I am begining to see a few baby hairs sprouting up...


Is it normal to experience high degree of itching at this stage? Sometimes I also feeling a sensation throughout the transplanted are and it even seems to travel to my forehead below the hairline. Is this normal and expected at this stage?


Also, what is the best thing to do with pimples forming. As hard as it may be is it best to leave them to their own devices or pop them?


To also note I am on 1.25mg proscar daily, minoxidil (although do not apply this to transplanted area), and wash my hair with nizoral shampoo every 5th/ 6th day. I have being using these treatments non stop for the last 10ish months though


Thanks in advance for any assistance

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  • Senior Member

Hi Stevie,


A slight "itchy" sensation in the recipient region is not unheard of; especially if you're starting to see new growth. What's more, the opinion on "pimples" differs between physicians and you should likely discuss this with your hair transplant surgeon. Frankly, most physicians usually advice patients to not pop the pimples (if possible). Here's a piece Dr. Cam Simmons wrote about it.


Hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I've had itchiness. It was never a big deal and went away. It could be eczema, but if you want to be sure just go to a dermatologist and have it checked out. Most likely it's nothing. Give it a few months... Unless you see gunk or something, it's probably nothing.

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Thanks Gents,


Ye have being most helpful.


Hairklepto I do suffer from eczema. It flares up from time to time particularly around my nose but I treat it with a mild steroid cream which is pretty effective in knocking it back. At the same time it would flare up on my scalp also, lots and lots of dandruff but a few applications of nizoral works wonders.


I did get a serious build up of gunk in my scalp about two months ago. Not even flaky dandruff. It was more like a layer of gunk with almost the same consistency as ear wax:eek:. Around the same time the eczema in my face was particularly bad. Again a few applications of the nizoral and steroid cream sorted both.


All has being good since. Even in the past week I believe I have seem some pretty good early growth and I am just past the 3 month mark at this stage. Hopefully its a sign of things to come:)

Edited by stevieenright
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Just a reminder to wash hair every 2 days with Nizoral. Plus I use a shampoo conditioner to soften the textual of my hair.


Thanks Mallyboy,


At present I'm washing my hair every 5 or 6 days with the Nizoral shampoo. Its really hard to know what to do as one person would tell you to wash with the Nizoral every 2 days and another would tell you thats away too often and such overuse is bad for your hair.


Not saying your incorrect or anything. Just saying that its hard to know what to do on the basis of the such conflicting directions. What conditioner do you use out of curiosity?

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I use a moisterizing conditioner called Folicure which comes in a white bottle. You said u get gunk buildup in yr scalp thats why I said you should wash every 2-3 days.

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