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Dr. Paul Shapiro, 3579 Grafts, Norwood IVa, 6 month follow up

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This 67 year old male had about 120 sq cm area he wanted to cover. He had average donor but a tight donor area. This restricted the width of the donor excision. He has fine, white/grey hair which he dyes. His type of hair made him a perfect candidate for DFU's.

I took out a 1.5 cm wide x 29.5 cm long strip. This yielded 3,329 FU's, 250 DFU's for a total of 3579 Grafts and 8340 Hairs. I have circled the area where the DFU's were placed and I believe I got a greater illusion of density using the same amount of hair using the combination of DFU and FU's then if I used FU's only. To cover the area we wanted to cover I averaged 30-35 FU/ sq.cm. If I had not used DFU's I don't think the central core would look as thick. And with his type of hiar the DFU's look completely natural.

At his 6 month follow up visit he has the coverage I would expect at 30 to 35 FU/sq.cm.. He is still a bit see through in the back 2/3d area but is very happy with his results. He also should expect more growth at in the next 6 months.


His graft count is as follows

1 Hair FU - 567 #Hairs 567

2 Hair FU - 1912 #Hairs 3824

3 Hair FU - 701 #Hairs 2103

4 Hair FU - 1 49 #Hairs 596

4-6 Hair DFU - 250 #Hairs 1250

Total Grafts 3579 Total Hairs 8340


Since there are 2 FU in each DFU if you add another 250 grafts to the graft total the equivalent FU count would be 3829.


Pre op and 6 month post op comparison Front view









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