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Remarkable Website

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This is a remarkable website and is an excellent example of the power of the internet. I have been considering transplant surgery for some years now but having checked out Bosley, Sword, the other big name here in Los Angeles, the guy up on Sunset, I have always felt I was being pitched a product rather than discussing a medical procedure. I was very happy to find the reviews and research of a number of people in my area who appears to be top notch people in the field. I plan to give Dr. Umar a call soon. I thank Pat and the other guy on here for all their work and I will let you know how matters proceed.



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Welcome to the forum;-)


I couldn`t agree more with your estimation. So glad, too, that I found this forum. It really is a community where members are trying to help each other out, the moderators are doing a hell of a committed job, one really feels like being in good hands.

The complete opposite is a german forum where I come from, when somebody comes out with a legitimate HT story of a doc that is not endorsed by the forum, they seem to wait like hyenas for the pics just to bash the person, no matter if he had got good, average or bad results. It really is like a kindergarden compared to here, people living in fear there;-)


So I just wanna take the opportunity and say thanks to all honest users here, and special thanks of course goes to the "hardcore" users and the moderators!

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Thank you for the kind words. We (the moderation staff) work hard to make this community the most transparent, honest, up-to-date hair restoration resource on the web. However, we do this to help and support members like yourselves. I think I speak for all of the moderators when I say it's truly a privilege to keep the community running, and we look forward to continue doing it! What's more, if you have any suggestions for improving the community and continuing to make it cutting-edge, please feel free to send me the details in a private message.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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