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7 months in with no growth on frontal hairline

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Had a 2,700 graft HT back in Sept 2012 working from front to back (i.e the hairline, scalp and little bit of the crown). Very reputable doc as well.


Now we're 7 months in and I can feel stubbles on my scalp, not much, but it's growing. However, my frontal hairline shows zero to no difference at this stage. I can't feel any stubbles and you can see big gaps between single hair grafts. The HT doc did fill those gaps with single hair grafts on the hairline and to be honest if it all grows out at hypothetically 100% survival rate, it would look awesome


I do want to note that that this is my 3rd HT but the 2nd time around on my hairline.


Would appreciate people's thoughts on this.


I do hear people say be patient, etc., etc. however I would expect at least some type of growth or stubbles on the frontal hairline.



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At 7 months you should surely be seeing SOME growth for sure. If it is barren and basically hairless then I too would be concerned and would bring it up with the surgeon just for reference. It is correct that you have to be patient but 7 months is too far into the game to have NOTHING sprout in a particular zone or area...

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Is it possible to see some images? It's difficult to tell what exactly is occurring and pictures may help.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Yeah; this is a weird case - you said you've had two HT's before, both of which I'm assuming were at least mostly successful (or else you probably wouldn't have gone for a third one)...


So why on earth would the follicles fail to take this time? Or simply take so long to sprout? Could it be an environmental factor? Dietary? Stress? Very weird, but don't give up hope just yet.


Can you post some pics? Maybe with a few arrows/notes on them to show where the new hairs are supposed to be?


And yes, definitely go and consult with your surgeon; if he is reputable like you say he is, he will certainly take concern and help you figure this out!

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