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Reaction to Minoxidil and Alternatives


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After having successful 4 months of kirland minoxidl i started to get a very dry itchy scalp which then started to go red.


It cleared up and i stayed off it for around 3 months and tried again waking up to a red patch again (tested in a certain area). After researching I think it is safe to say I am allergic to the minoxidl and firstly thought it was the house I have been renting (student) and was just a change in environment.


I will test again, but wait until I'm back home and then make my mind up.


I am 21 and my receeding hairline is beginning to be highly noticeable but also thinning on top.


If older I wouldn't be bothered but as I am young I'd like to get a few good years out of it haha.


With the allergies I was wondering if anyone knew of the best shampoo to combat and had real experience.


I did try alpecin a few years ago but felt it made my hair thinner, though I didn't give it a full 4 months like I did with minoxidl. Are any of the others good? And what ones would you recommend?


Along with shampoo is there anything else anyone knows being effective. Without minoxidl I have come to terms my receed is unlikely to start growing back like i had in the 4 month of minoxidl (just my luck, hairloss and then the solution I am allergic to) , but more wanting to find something to slow down the whole shed and make my hair all over thicker.


Anyone that can help id be grateful.

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Are you using the liquid or the foam minoxidil?


Many people experience skin reactions from the higher alcohol content and Propylene Glycol in the liquid version of minoxidil. However, the foam product contains a lower alcohol content and no Propylene Glycol, and many see decreased skin irritation when switching from the liquid to foam product.


"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I was using the liquid and then got the reaction so changed to the foam. I am hoping the foam will be ok in the future and that it may be because I didn't let my scalp heal enough. Looking to try again come June but is a long time away so looking for useful alternatives even if its just for retention and not growth.

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