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  • Senior Member

It's difficult to say with fue procedures if any of the hairs will grow through the round scars. The belief with an fue isolation technique is that the physician pinpoints a 2, 3 or 4 hair follicular unit but tries to punch out only a part of the follicular unit. For example, on a 3 hair follicular unit - they try for 1 or two hairs instead of all 3. The objective is to leave hairs for the future and eliminate the white dot scarring. This means you end up with less hairs transplanted to the top but you may not get as many white dots in the donor. A patient has to decide what's more important, hairs on top or hairs in the back. In my experience of seeing fue donor scars from a wide variety of clinics, I can't say I've seen hairs growing through the round dots. For those that practice this technique, it'd be great to make more believers by showing some pics to back this technique.

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