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4 weeks Post Op Question

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  • Regular Member

I have a question for your HT veterans out there. I am currently 4 weeks post op, everything has been very smooth thus far. Over the last day I developed a decent size pimple in the recipient area. Everything I have read so far stated I would possibly see this when the implanted hair started to regrow. Is this normal at this time frame or should I consult with my surgeon on this?





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  • Senior Member

i too had pimples after 4 weeks and now at 8 weeks even more, all normal, i try and put a warm compress on them couple of times a day and it seems to draw the puss up, they just go soon after, i dont pop them even though i feel like doing it! are you supposed to pop them when they are full of that yellow puss yuky stuff? :eek:

4510 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2012


2350 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2013


HT 1:Total Grafts 4510: Singles 715, Doubles 2123, Triples 1369, Quads 303 ( 10,280 Hairs )


HT 2:Total Grafts 2352: Singles 350, Doubles 1601, Triples 401, ( 4,755 Hairs )

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Experiencing pimples the first couple of months post-op is normal. I highly recommend that you don't pop them. However, applying a warm, damp cloth or Aloe Vera can help moisturize the scalp and expedite healing.


Scalp pimples are typically a sign of growth to come. However, if the area or surrounding area worsens or becomes very red, sore or inflamed, I highly suggest consulting your surgeon as there's also a possibility of infection.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member
i too had pimples after 4 weeks and now at 8 weeks even more, all normal, i try and put a warm compress on them couple of times a day and it seems to draw the puss up, they just go soon after, i dont pop them even though i feel like doing it! are you supposed to pop them when they are full of that yellow puss yuky stuff? :eek:


I'd recommend lancing it rather than just popping it, less trama to the skin. Apply a little bacitracin after lancing. If you get rid of the pus, it'll heal after. If there is more than 5-6 pimples or they are large in diameter than an average size pimple, consult with your ht physician.

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