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Need advice on my case please

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Hey guys !


First of all sorry for my english.


I started loosing hair at my early sixteen's (thinning temples). Today, i'm 21 years old and i'm norwood 2 (i guess, tell me if i'm wrong). My MPB wasn't that aggressive until this year (I had serious emotional problems, I guess it didn't help..)


I have never used any medication to fight hairloss (just natural things like pumpkin oil seeds, curcumin.. I guess it halted my MPB just a little bit but nothing amazing).


MPB is still progressing unfortunatelly. Maybe one day we will have a procedure to get a full regrowth but untill then i want to keep my hair as it is now as long as possible.


So, i'm planning to start finasteride. But i have read some horror stories and I'm hesitating yet a bit.


I have a geat density every where on my head (except on my temples of course). I know there is no chance to get regrowth on temples with fin but I just want to keep my hair as it is for a long time and halt my MPB as much as it's possible.


So my question is:


Can Fin preserve my hair as it is for let say at least 5 or 6 years ? Or it can kill my temples even worse ? (I've read stories about guys who experienced that I'm afraid of that but I know that every person respond differently to this medicine.)


Thanks for replying










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  • Senior Member

Fin will not kill your temples worse. There is a chance you could get some regrowth from it (not very likely in your case since you are losing in the temple/hairline area, but I have seen it happen). Chances are very likely that it will slow or stop your loss for some time, and 5 years is not unheard of at all.


Fin is a good idea. I know very few people that actually have side affects. You can start off with a 1.25mg dose every other day and see if you notice any sides and then step it up to every day if you want. I went straight to a dose a day and never had any problems. Keep in mind that if you start then you are stuck on it if you want to keep the hair you have maintained because of it, at least until there is a break-through cure.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Thanks for your replies guys :)


@ MallyBoy: I'm not really expecting any regrows of temples at this moment. I want just to keep my hairline as it is now or at least slow down the loss in this area of my scalp. I just wanted to make sure taking fin won't get my hairline worse ;) Thank you


Btw: I'm norwood 2 right ?

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