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1200 graph tranplant this Friday Sept 25!! Any Feedback plz


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  • Senior Member

Sparky did a great job Photoshopping in the potential results you could get...


It must be emphasized that:


1) you will lose some of your native hair if you get a HT - esp. if you are entering MPB stages


2) the result drawn would take probably 2500 grafts minimum. 1200 simply fills in around areas where the density is already low, not in areas of virgin scalp.


Best of luck.

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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  • Regular Member

More conservative would serve you better in the long run in my opinion, plus it will suit you more when you're older as you already have a natural temple recession.


Strengthen the hairline but follow it as I've shown in the photo and save the grafts you'd burn closing the temples for the later surgeries you will most certainly need.


That hairline looks like an Armani hairline to me and that's not a good thing. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't even have hair as low down as that in the temples as a teen.


Play it safe and if you really must go lower you can tweak it on your later surgeries.


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  • Regular Member

I agree with the others here saying that your proposed hairline is much to low. If you're set on having a procedure done at your age, I would advise you to bulk up the existing hairline you currently have. Like shanti said, if you go lower, you'll more than likely be wasting precious grafts that you will need in the future.

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  • Regular Member

Good work with the photoshop Sparky! ... and yes I think that recessed hairline would suit you much better. It's still a very, very nice hairline by any standards.


The original Hair Club blue hairline is just a wall of hair. Poor planning by the doctor. Fine if you were born with it like say Brad Pitt but trying to recreate that on a 24 year old with MPB would be a mistake. Like Hair Hope points out, you would be surprised how many grafts it would take to close those temple angles with sufficient density to make you happy. 1000+ grafts easily and I don't think it would look any better on you anyway.


Any luck with getting the money back?

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