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  • Regular Member

1- do I need a prescription for ordering Propecia?

2- What are the best sites on the internet for ordering it?


3- I live in Irvine (Orange County California), can anyone recommend a doctor/phycisian in this area?



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  • Regular Member

1- do I need a prescription for ordering Propecia?

2- What are the best sites on the internet for ordering it?


3- I live in Irvine (Orange County California), can anyone recommend a doctor/phycisian in this area?



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  • Senior Member

You can get propecia off the internet without a prescription but if i were you I would get a prescription and get your meds from a local pharmacy if you can afford it (about 50 bucks a month or 600 bucks a year). It's hard (if not impossible) to tell if mail order drugs are legitimate if you don't know the source. Also it can be helpful to work with a doctor, especially when you are first starting out with these meds, in case you have any questions (or complications).


I would ask your family doctor or general practitioner for a prescription, or find a dermatologist with experience in hair loss (try www.aad.org )If you can't afford the 50 bucks a month, ask your doctor for a prescription for Proscar (same drug only a different dosage) and cut the tablets into quarters. You can save money that way, and since you are an appropriate age to take Proscar anyway, your doctor will probably be willing to write you a prescription.


Read up on Proscar/Propecia in previous posts.

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