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Advice please....

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  • Senior Member

Hey guys, some of you know that I have a HT scheduled with Dr. Hasson on January 18th. I'm from Pennsylvania and the easiest way for me to get to Vancouver is through Chicago. However, it snows A LOT in Chicago during the winter...so with this said, would you reschedule the operation to the spring or just keep it as is? I've been worrying more about travel issues than the actual procedure....thanks in advance.

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  • Senior Member

I just had my HT with Dr. Hasson in late July, and was lucky enough to spend 5 days in beautiful Vancouver prior to the procedure. If there's any way you could plan to arrive in Vancouver at least a couple of days in advance, that should help minimize any concerns about snowfall in Chicago. (They have such great snow removal gear at O'Hare that even with a blizzard you wouldn't be delayed more than 24 hours.)


I definitely wouldn't put off the procedure!

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