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Do all recommended surgeons operate the surgeries personally?

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I'm still searching about hairtransplantation surgeons and clinics and I have a question: Do all recommended surgeons operate the surgeries personally? Because I heard that some surgeons widely known have few doctors as workers and they do the surgeries not the doctor who is clinic's owner and respected and visited by patients. For example before the surgery, the patient comes and talks about his surgery with the doctor and then an other doctor operates the surgery. For example if I go to Feller's clinic, will Dr Feller do my hairtransplantation?

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  • Senior Member
Do all recommended surgeons operate the surgeries personally? Because I heard that some surgeons widely known have few doctors as workers and they do the surgeries not the doctor who is clinic's owner and respected and visited by patients.


That's a great question to ask during consults. It actually happened to me during my first surgery. Just to be clear, this was well over a decade ago and not one of the "recommended surgeons" on this website.


I went for the consult and met with the main doctor. I actually was under the impression he was the only doctor at this clinic. I spoke with him over the phone a couple of times as well and decided to book a surgery with him.


However on the day of the surgery as I was being prepped for the procedure I was casually informed that another doctor would be performing my surgery. I had travelled , was younger, and not as well informed so I went through with it....and to be honest the results turned out fine, but I did not like the fact that I was surprised on surgery day that someone different was doing my surgery.


I think it is wise during consultations to ask:

"just so we are on the same page, are you personally the doctor that will be

performing my surgery and will any other doctor be involved in my surgery"?

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Excellent question. Unfortunately, there was a time in the hair transplant field where large, mostly unregulated clinics did utilize the practice of consulting with one physician and operating with another.


I'm pleased to say the following: not only is this practice diminishing in general, but physicians we recommend perform all their own surgeries.


I can confidently state that if you chose a recommended or Coalition surgeon for consultation, they will be the physician performing your hair transplant surgery as well!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Excellent question. Unfortunately, there was a time in the hair transplant field where large, mostly unregulated clinics did utilize the practice of consulting with one physician and operating with another.


I'm pleased to say the following: not only is this practice diminishing in general, but physicians we recommend perform all their own surgeries.


I can confidently state that if you chose a recommended or Coalition surgeon for consultation, they will be the physician performing your hair transplant surgery as well!


Thanks for the great info. I'll go on my searchings taking these into consideration.




That's a great question to ask during consults. It actually happened to me during my first surgery. Just to be clear, this was well over a decade ago and not one of the "recommended surgeons" on this website.


I went for the consult and met with the main doctor. I actually was under the impression he was the only doctor at this clinic. I spoke with him over the phone a couple of times as well and decided to book a surgery with him.


However on the day of the surgery as I was being prepped for the procedure I was casually informed that another doctor would be performing my surgery. I had travelled , was younger, and not as well informed so I went through with it....and to be honest the results turned out fine, but I did not like the fact that I was surprised on surgery day that someone different was doing my surgery.


I think it is wise during consultations to ask:

"just so we are on the same page, are you personally the doctor that will be

performing my surgery and will any other doctor be involved in my surgery"?


Can you inform us about that doctor? name? Because you know I have a chance to bump into him and consult as you experienced. :)



Originally Posted




If you go to Dr Fellers office it's only Dr Feller you get.



I do not understand your question.. and don't know how better to answer you other than



Dr Feller is the only Dr you will see if you go to see Dr Feller.





Aww sorry at first step I misunderstood you. Now I grabbed it. Thanks.




And can you tell me your best price/performance ht fue doctor? The price is an important standart for me, unfortunately.

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