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1st procedure less than desirable- what about second?

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Hello everyone,


I am new to this forum, a friend told me to come here. I had a procedure done about 11 months ago. The procedure was done by a well known board certified doctor that is recommended by this site and has been doing hair transplantation for nearly 20 years.


I had around 2,200 grafts done on my hairline, the only place I am losing hair. Around 4-5 months, when the hair started growing in, I could tell it was not going to be be very dense. Mind you, in my consultation, the doctor told me it would take 2,000 to 2,200 grafts to create an EXTREMELY DENSE hairline (his exact words). Around 4-5 months I could tell it was going to be very dense at all, I called the doctor several times and he insisted that I wait until 10 months to a year to make any decisions about the final result.


Before the procedure last year, I asked the doctor about what would happen if I had a low yield or what number of the hair grafts he expects to grow. He told me he expects all of it to grow and if it doesn't, he would be responsible.


At 10 months, I went in to meet with the doctor. He agreed that the hair was not as dense as desired and claimed that only about 80%-85% of my hair grew. Some areas showing significant low density, but overall it looks even.


To make a long story short, he told me that he thinks I should have a second procedure to create the desired hairline. He also quoted a number of grafts that I would need and gave me a FULL PRICE for the second procedure. I told his patient educator that I didn't think that was fair considering everything that I was told and everything that happened. They came back with a price reduction of about 10%, basically full price.


Should I be upset by this? Other doctors I consulted with seemed to be much more reasonable with these situations. Also, I know two friends of mine who went to the doctor I went to and both of them had lower yields. One of my friends didn't care to do a second procedure. My other friend had a very low yield, 65%-70% and the doctor (we both went to) gave him a second procedure for NO COST.


I am not happy with my hair, it doesn't look extremely dense or dense at all- it looks thin. I am also not happy with being charged full price for a second procedure when I had less than a desirable yield, and the doctor even admitted to it.


What should I do?

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  • Regular Member

Maybe post a few pictures so that we can get an idea of your

situation.2500 graphs is a lot of graphs for hairline so I wouldn't

be rushing back to this doctor for round 2 if your unhappy with results

That been said we need to see pictures to access your situation.

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  • Senior Member

If you do not want to post any pics, that's fine and obviously a personal decision. If you want anomynity, you can cover your face in the photos, but pics do in fact help assess your situation. I certainly do not question whether or not your results were sub par nor do I think the other poster was implying that and even your doctor apparently agrees.


Having said that, let me share with you that your scenario is not uncommon for someone who is not happy with their results. What happens is that the patient typically wants some level of restitution especially after spending nearly all of their money on the procedure to begin with.


This leaves the patient in a vunerable position. If they go somewhere else, they have to pay all over again for a susequent procedure. This is why in a very high percent of the time, the patient goes back to the same doctor. They have no other options (financial). Most docotrs would have made a larger financial concession for you. The best would not have charged you to come back for a "touch-up session". They stand behind their work.


Yet over the past 30 years or so I have observed this scenario happen time and time again. I rarely can remember any patient that had sub-standard results go back to the same doctor and be happy the second time. It only gets worse and worse.


And it's for that reason alone that I recommend patients to find someone else. In your case, if the doctor is not making any real meaningful remedies that make sense, you now have a second material reason for not going back.


It would be nice to hear from your doctor regarding his opinion of your case, but under the prevailing HIPPA laws (privacy), he is prohibited from disclosing your case or even publicly commenting on your case without your authorization. It's the law and my guess is that he is fully aware of it.


Still, I truly hope you can find some resolve in your situation. You are free to contact me for more recommendations if you like.


It can be very difficult to manage the frustration and even anger but try to remain as objective as you can as you seek resolve.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Senior Member
Hello everyone,



Before the procedure last year, I asked the doctor about what would happen if I had a low yield or what number of the hair grafts he expects to grow. He told me he expects all of it to grow and if it doesn't, he would be responsible.


At 10 months, I went in to meet with the doctor. He agreed that the hair was not as dense as desired and claimed that only about 80%-85% of my hair grew. Some areas showing significant low density, but overall it looks even.


To make a long story short, he told me that he thinks I should have a second procedure to create the desired hairline. He also quoted a number of grafts that I would need and gave me a FULL PRICE for the second procedure. I told his patient educator that I didn't think that was fair considering everything that I was told and everything that happened. They came back with a price reduction of about 10%, basically full price.


Should I be upset by this? Other doctors I consulted with seemed to be much more reasonable with these situations. Also, I know two friends of mine who went to the doctor I went to and both of them had lower yields. One of my friends didn't care to do a second procedure. My other friend had a very low yield, 65%-70% and the doctor (we both went to) gave him a second procedure for NO COST.




If you agree with the 80-85% yield, then 10% off isn't too far off..... However, the question for you is, would you be happy with 15-20% discount from your physician? If you are, then I'd talk your clinic again and state why you should get that discount. Especially since he said he'd take responsibility of less than expected yield. If you're not going to be happy with the 15-20% discount or the physician doesn't offer it, then I'd go to another clinic who WILL stand by their work.

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