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Procedure #3 - still no improvement

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Now going on 10 mos. post-op, the results of the transplant continue to be anything but satisfactory. The scar line is now clearly visible in this third procedure which was never visible in the first two. Again, doc confirmed he used a trico closure as he did on the first two, so I cannot understand what happened here. In addition, I have seen no improvement thus far in the areas on my scalp which had the most transplanted hairs despite the small hairs that showed up on the ProScope:




I am due to come in after the first of the year (12-mo. follow-up), but I don't see how there will be any improvement as I haven't seen any up to this point. Certainly not to the scar line.


I hate to think I'd need a scar revision and a fourth "patch-up" because the third didn't come out as planned.


Until follicular replication or stem cell is available, do you think something like FUE would help in this regard? My scalp is a battlefield and I think I can no longer count on yet another future FUT strip excision.


I still have to use so much Toppik and Couvre that I need to clean the sink and vacuum the floor every day. Will that ever stop?


I stumbled across this vid that may explain that even trico closure may not work in cases like mine of multiple procedures and that FUE is best:



Perhaps FUE could remedy the residual thinning areas?

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If your donor area has been beat up and can see your scar line, you have to be careful where the FUE grafts are taken.


It's difficult to answer your questions without seeing you in person. Good pics would be helpful. You should consult with several clinics to see what's the best approach going forward.

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  • Regular Member
If your donor area has been beat up and can see your scar line, you have to be careful where the FUE grafts are taken.


It's difficult to answer your questions without seeing you in person. Good pics would be helpful. You should consult with several clinics to see what's the best approach going forward.


If you click the link in my post, you can see all the pics. Let me know.

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I took a look at your 8 month post-op pics. In pic #6, the one where we see your frontal view, you look the best. ;)


My concern for you overall is the generalized thinning throughout your scalp. Possibly the more contributing factor as to why you see your donor scar more is because your donor zone appears to be thinning as well.


Those new sproutings that showed up on the scope may be slower coming through which is not untypical for subsequent peocedures especially when we get beyond the 2nd procedure.


I would give it a bit more time to see how those new grafts develop. It may take several more months to gain the length and caliber needed to produce the visual impact.


I truly hope things improve for you. ;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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