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2,300 grafts female - Dr Cooley

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This patient is in her early fifties and has female pattern hairloss; this has been made worse by wearing a hair system, which caused some further focal areas of hair loss. We performed 2,300 grafts (1-571, 2-986, 3-743, 4-102 = 4,874 hairs). She is shown approximately one year after the procedure.













Edited by Jerry Cooley MD
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  • Senior Member

very nice indeed, losing hair as a man can be tough to deal with but for a woman it has to be alot tougher , good for her, she looks great, i wish there were more women posting on the forums it would help other women suffering with hairloss,maybe a section just for women and hairtransplants, i dont think ive ever seen a women share her progress as we all see blogs for men ,sorry to get a little off topic, good job doc.

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  • Regular Member


It would be nice to see more women post images and their stories. I know there are women out there like me who have PCOS and suffer from male pattern baldness. Hair loss isn't a condition that women are told could happen to them and when it does it is a big surprise.

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The strategy with the density was to build up an attractive, feminine hairline with good density and blend backwards. The priority was the first few centimeters of hairline; in a male, we would choose a higher hairline and make sure we got sufficient density in the midscalp. She was told that more grafts may be needed to thicken the mid-scalp in the future, but the finasteride/minoxidil kicked in and it all blended nicely. She has no plans at this time for further work. ACell was used on the grafts, which has been standard practice for the last couple years.

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  • Senior Member

Dr. Cooley,


Thank you for answering my questions. From your expereince can you share with me in more detail how you look at the transition zone in the hairline, espicially the part area. From my observation, your transition zones in and around the hairline are some of the most natural that I have seen in normal lighted pictures. Any insight discussing your strategy would greatly be appreciated. I know this a very broad question, however, I am just trying to get a better understanding of your technique. Thanks for your time.

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