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2465 FIT-Shaven - 9 Month Results - Dr. Patrick Mwamba

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This 24 year old patient is a Norwood 3 vertex. He has kept his forelock intact and was bothered by the thinning in frontal zone. He is on minoxidil 5%. The patient wasn’t interested to graft the vertex and the receding temples; he wanted to fix the central part of his frontal zone.


We decided to address the area and grafted it at 40 fu/cm2. To allow a good transition between his face and the top, we scattered a few hairs in the receding temples at 30 fu/cm2 to keep the impression of receding temples, status that the patient requested.


In our design, you can appreciate the design for his future loss which needs to be kept in mind while treating a young patient in his twenties.









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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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