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should i just forget it or there is a chance?

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Hello all


I would like to ask you some questions regarding transplants and if you could be so kind to answer me. I would like also feedback from consultants or doctors.You can e-mail me or pm if you want.


I am someone who has been using only minoxidil for his hairloss for nearly 10 years now. I tried propecia and various antiandrogens but they somehow all gave me nasty sideeffects.I am nw6 and i still have some hair especially in the mid area...the crown is so diffused that is almost bald....my hairline has dissapeared and i only have and isle of hair in the front and around it nothing much. As times goes by i know that this isle will dissapear, as well as, the midscalp hair.It cannot be styled or look good under any circumstances so i buzz them down to 0


1. Well as you propably all guessed by now i want to know if there is a chance for me to have a descent result that doesnt look fake or very bad under different circumstances(bar lights etc)


2. Are there any people here or patients of doctors that are nw6 and do not use any frugs to see some results on nw6 people and get a small understanding of what it might look like. I see many results here but most of the people are on propecia and that is something i cannot do even though i know that if i start it and get a transplant i will propably have a very good result because when i was using it my hair were amazing.


3. will my remaining hair from minox that are departing slowly will interfere with the doctors strategy since they are diffused and about to go?should i stop the minox alltogether and rely only on transplanted hair?


4.I am not in the US and i would like to know how can i know my possibilities from good docs without having to travel around the world for nothing only to get rejected or to see cases of people in the same situation with me and be dissapointed and loose my money on expensive trips


5. I prefer FUE, i know that most say that you are safer with strip but being a nw6 with no propecia in mind i am afraid to go the strip route.


All opinions wellcome and especially docs or consultants if they have the time and want to advice me or guide me

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Everyone's circumstance is differnt. THere are some cases of NW6s who have had stunning transformations.


I believe much of your success depends upon your age, your donor characteristics, and your ability to halt further loss. If you are in your 40s, the outlook is much better than if you are in your 20s.


Some extremely bald men have a frontal forelock planted which looks natural and removes the cue ball look. I think that at least that will be an option, but you should post pics or send them to doctors to get accurate feedback.

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also emperor i just saw your blog you had a transplant with Dr.Wong and you dont sound too happy with your hairline.do you take propecia?


The hair in fron look very sparce.Can i ask you do they look though completely natural?


I am thinking of a transplant that is low density and to keep my hair buzzed short.So to be able to at least form a hairlne like you suggested that some extremly balding men have done.does it look good according to your personal opinion?Can i buzz my hair very short and still it will look natural?

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by The count Of Baldecristo:

also emperor i just saw your blog you had a transplant with Dr.Wong and you dont sound too happy with your hairline.do you take propecia?


The hair in fron look very sparce.Can i ask you do they look though completely natural?


I am thinking of a transplant that is low density and to keep my hair buzzed short.So to be able to at least form a hairlne like you suggested that some extremly balding men have done.does it look good according to your personal opinion?Can i buzz my hair very short and still it will look natural?


I recently had a second HT with Dr. Wong to address the hairline density. The focus of the first procedure was coverage, but the density did not turn out as much as I expected. This is largely because my hair quality is fine and my donor laxity is on the low side of average.


If you look through the H&W website results, and focus ONLY on the NW5 and NW6 guys who are completely bald, you will get a good idea of what can be accomplished in one (4500 grafts) or two (7000 grafts) sessions.


Some of the results are more impressive than others, and I would say this is largely a function of how thick the donor hairs are. Patients with coarse hair get better results.


I would say that the hair that was planted was very natural, and grows in a realistic direction. The primary issue is that there is/was not enough hair moved. Hopefully the second session will fix that.


The scar is between 2-4mm. By keeping the hair at 1.5" it can easily be hidden. Some patients get thinner scars and have coarse hair which hides the scar better. They can clip to a #3 or #4.


I am sharing this so you can get a realistic picture of the wide range of results possible.

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