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Small bumps on my scalp

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I plan to have a second transplant.

The first was made ​​10 years ago in my country (France). Grafts were placed between my native hair to densify my hairline. Now I have only my plugins and the density is very low (10 fu / cm2).

Under very bright light some small bumps are visibles (especially the first row of grafts at the hairline). I think the surgeon took the follicular units with a little skin but it is just a hypothesis.

I use the zoom of my camera, took some pics, make a selection of those where i could see something special and make a compilation of it.


Do you think it could be easy for a top surgeon expert in dense packing to add in one pass 30 or 40 fu/cm2 in this area ?

These bumps are a great source of concern for me.


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  • Senior Member

Hey there champ. Fear not, there are many surgeons who have the talent and skill to carefully transplant around those grafts without transecting them. They would be camouflaged quite nicely too. You could even get them taken out via FUE, dissected into single hair grafts and implanted back in but the scarring in the hairline from FUE could be more noticeable than if you just planted other hair around it.

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Whcamouflage them would be too difficult

Another cosmetic problem that may be caused by using larger grafts is the extra volume of tissue introduced into the recipient site. This extra tissue can produce a fullness and elevation of the transplanted area that results in a ridge of skin, demarcating it from the surrounding bald scalp.

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Oups, i pressed the key enter by error.

What I wanted to say is that camouflage is not my main concern.

My concern is that what i see could be ridging. I have read from bersteinmedical.com that using larger grafts can cause ridging.= extra tissue that can produce a fullness and elevation of the transplanted area. and i quote :

"In addition, there is some evidence that the hair subsequently placed into this area may exhibit suboptimal growth."

to what extent ? Is the question I ask myself . The risk is impossible to evaluate.

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