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what doctors are concidered the best in the world?


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Hi all


I thankyou all for your help in advance. I am a 34 year old guy from australia who is in desperate need for help. I had a HT surgery when i was 30,1500 grafts and like many am now "locked" in to the process. If i could turn back time and just shave my head i would in a second but unfortunately that is no longer an option for me. As i look to continuing with more surgeries i really need to know,Who is concidered the best in the world?if i continue with more of these surgeries i want to know i am atleast in the best possible hands. So if there is a list available or some sort of popular consensus on who is the best then i am desperate to know. A doctor combining strip and fue i think would be appropriate for my cicumstances. Thanyou all again for your time and advice.

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Guest wanthairs

Hasson and Wong of Vancouver, Canada are considered by many to be the best or amongst the best in the world. I had my second procedure from them and can attest to this impression.

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  • Senior Member

Bosco, who is the best doctor, is a highly subjective issue, since there is a high degree of artistic elements in a HT surgery, and hence there are issues of personal likes and dislikes.


For hairline designs, I like the styles of the following doctors, in no particular order: Shapiro, Feller, Rahal, Alexander, Keene, Konior.


Now, if you ask me about crown work (or general coverage), I'll have a different list. Similarly, if you ask someone else, they'll have a different list of their own.


So the best option for you might be to search around on this forum for the results from different doctors, and see whose styles you like the most.

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