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Minoxidil and erection quality


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I am in my late thirties and recently I ran out of minoxidil which I have been using with success to maintain hair for about the last 6 years. After a few days without it in my system I began to notice that my erections were harder, pointing closer to 12 o'clock than 9 o'clock. My penis just felt harder with more sensation, control and power.


I had read some anecdotal reports on the internet that minoxidil if absorbed sufficiently, perhaps in those especially sensitive to drugs, could affect blood pressure and thereby erections. Certainly I read a report from urologist (Does Minoxidil for hair loss cause sexual side effects? | Hair Loss Q & A) who said something along the lines that because minoxidil acts as a vasodilator blood is more able to escape from the penis base.


Anyway as an experiment I went a couple of days without minx. then compared my erections before and after applying minoxidil and there was a noticeable difference. The first thing I felt (after applying) was a dizzy feeling in my head and a sense of my blood pressure lowering, slight racing of the heart and very minor brain fog, then I played with myself and discovered that though functional for sex, it was less hard and sensitive and if I didn't touch it the blood left it more easily.


Now perhaps this only happens to very few people but I challenge you to try this and tell me if I am imaging this:

1. Don't apply minoxidil for say three days, then masturbate (without ejaculating) and check your hardness/sensitivity.

2. Then apply minx., wait five minutes, sit down on the toilet, masturbate and re-check.

3.Then please report back to me if you notice a difference.


This might be more common than people know, but a lot of people are ignoring it because they are so happy to be maintaining their hairlines. Like I said the difference is minor but noticeable (even for my girlfriend): I for one though am beginning to think I'd rather be a champ. in the bedroom and sacrifice walking down the street with flowing locks. Would be interested to hear from anyone else who has discovered the same or is willing to do this experiment. Rogaine might be hiding a thing or two from its clientele?

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  • Senior Member

I think you're imagining it. If you're looking for ED problems then it is a self fullfilling prophecy.


I beleive Minox takes hrs to be absorbed properly .

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