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crown area. Should I be concerned?


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Thanks for opening my thread.


I'm 21 and there is a lot of baldness in my family. There's only s couple of men who kept their hair. Though I've never noticed anything before I noticed once in the mirror my side burn area kind of thins out and goes back towards my ear a bit (if that makes sense) ice always had a prettybig forehead and that looks fine to me. But this prompted me to take a few photos and what I had scared me a bit.


By this pic does my hair look ok? I know the odds are against me.




MY brother at 26 has his hair still but its really very thin. It's in a location I've never been able to see before and only recently did I do this pic. So it may have always been there. This is also under a very harsh light.


Nobody has ever mentioned anything to me before and always comment on how thick my hair is. It's just got me paranoid as I never know of people are just saying it to spare you the hard time .


Kind regards and sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm sending this from a phone :)


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Most people on here would love to have a head of hair like yours. It looks good to me. There is a certain amount of maturing of the hair that happens around your age where there may be some thinning but doesn't necessarily mean you're balding.

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Dude, your hair is great now. That tiny skin area is very normal.


Obviously if you want to try to keep it you may want to think about propecia if you know there is baldness all around. You need to read about the medication and have a medical doctor examine and prescribed. Or better, go take bulk measurements of your hair NOW, and if you start to think you are thinning just a little, go get it measured again and then got on propecia so that you can hopefully quickly recover. Strategy 2 is more reaction than proactive, but you need to be comfortable with your options. Option 3-do nothing, and hope for the best. Regardless, go enjoy that hair now!

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  • Senior Member

Your hair looks great! Just keep an eye on it since genetics isn't in your favor.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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