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Gonna start Propecia 32 yr old male


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Hey guys im giving in gonna start taking it i think, I m pretty healthy individual i workout 5 days a week, great diet, rarely ever drink, and my libido is very strong.


Ive done months and months of research on it and looking at the before and after pictures are compelling.


Are there people on this board who had good results also with minimal sideffects? i just give up i was always very reluctant this was gonna be my last resort!

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I have had good results in that I have not lost any more hair since starting it 2 years ago. Before that, I was losing air rapidly. In terms of regrowth, not much but I think it has strengthened my temple points and made my overall hair stronger and healthier.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Senior Member

I have been on it around 5-6 years Stashthecash and I have had no problems.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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I'm no doctor or pharmacist, so take my advice with a grain of salt. Always consult a physician expert in these matters before taking action.


Here are some finasteride observations:


- How does finasteride work? Testosterone floating in the bloodstream of the typical adult male routinely combines with an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. The result of this interaction forms the more potent sexual hormone known as DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). When a man begins to lose his hair, certain genetically programmed follicles begin to develop DHT receptor sites. The DHT attaches itself to these receptor sites and begins to treat the follicle as a foreign object in the body. This chemical change not only affects hair. It can cause itching, inflammation, and oiliness. During this time, the follicle, under the attack of DHT, begins to miniaturize with every growth cycle, until after several years, it simply is too small and short to be seen. When finasteride is taken, it works to inhibit the formation of DHT in the system. Within a few months, the overall DHT levels will have remained low enough on a constant basis that the adverse effects DHT is having on the follicles will stop, resulting in a cessation of hair loss.


- When one first starts taking finasteride I suggest following Merck's directions - 1mg or 1.25mg (in the case of splitting proscar tabs) every day for a minimum of a year before evaluating the effectiveness of the results. If you experience mild-to-moderate sides, try to wait it out for a few months, without reducing dosage/frequency, to see if they resolve on their own; they often do. If they don't resolve, then consider reducing dosage/frequency. If you're having severe sides, you should discontinue using the meds.


- Finasteride starts to inhibit DHT right away, but it may take several months before you notice less hair loss. In fact, it’s likely that you will experience a shedding phase for the first few months (usually around 3-4) after which time the miniaturized hairs will (hopefully) be replaced by stronger regrowth.


- Finasteride seems most effective at the vertex and mid-scalp, but that doesn't mean one won't preserve one's hairline or even regrow some hair at the hairline. However, from what I can tell, impressive hairline regrowth is uncommon.


- Everyone responds differently to finasteride based on their unique physiology (similar to hair transplants). It may work wonderfully for a long time or it may not work at all or something in-between.


- It's very important to take the meds regularly. Having a set schedule helps to avoid missing a dose.


- If you discontinue finasteride you will eventually lose the hair the meds were preserving for you (usually within six months).


- After one has been on finasteride successfully for a while (I'd say a minimum of 1 year), then it may be OK to start experimenting with dosage/frequency in order to save money, reduce minor sides or simply because one feels better taking less meds. The key word is experimentation, but remember that experimenting (deviating from Merck's recommendations) may involve some degree of risk. In other words, you may lose more hair.


Also, check out these threads:


- http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/166975-finasteride-dosage-frequency-conception.html


- http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/163746-those-considering-starting-finasteride-therapy.html


Good luck!



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  • Regular Member

Stashthecash, I started on it at 8 months after HT. Dr. told me all HT Dr.s he knows take it. I'm 51 and wish I had started years earlier. Has kept hair from falling out but don't think it has grown much. Biggest downfall is the price at 3 bucks a pop at my drug store. So have since swithced to Proscar cut into 1/4's. Hope this helps and best of luck.

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Hey guys appreciate everyone's input..i think im going to do it gonna go to doctor tomorrow and get it prescribed.


I don't have a problem maintaining my hair i think it stabelized in the last few years...ive been doing Tom Hagerty's scalp exercises and my diet is very healthy so im not sure what did it.


The main reason i want to take it is to regrow some hair in the back...i think maybe i should take a few pics and post it to track my results.


Been on rogain foam for a year it didn't help much ordered lipogaine yesterday.

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