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"Recovery" time of shock loss in recipient area....

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Hey guys, I'm just over the 3 month mark since having some work done to fill in my hairline (about 1520 grafts total). I know I have a long way to go to see the final result, but of course it can be hard not to look in the mirror for signs of improvement even at this "infant stage," so to speak. I have a few questions for anyone willing to help out:

1. Has anyone experienced/noticed a delayed amount of time before shock loss began in the recipient area? I can tell that my hairline has further receded back fairly recently in 2.5 month mark, which worries me slightly. From what I've seen, shock loss seems to occur about 2-5 weeks post-op in most cases. How long does it normally take shocked hairs to return?


2. I've always had a high hair line with a widow's peak look. However, my main problem has been in my temples. I'm noticing more growth (although not as profound as several cases I've seen on this web site) in the widow's peak region and only a few sparse hairs in my temples so far. Is it normal for the temples to lag behind growth-wise? Would really appreciate any input guys. This waiting game is hard! cheers..


p.s. Sorry for no pics to look at. My camera was just recently stolen.

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by used2beshaggy:

Hey guys, I'm just over the 3 month mark since having some work done to fill in my hairline (about 1520 grafts total). I know I have a long way to go to see the final result, but of course it can be hard not to look in the mirror for signs of improvement even at this "infant stage," so to speak. I have a few questions for anyone willing to help out:

1. Has anyone experienced/noticed a delayed amount of time before shock loss began in the recipient area? I can tell that my hairline has further receded back fairly recently in 2.5 month mark, which worries me slightly. From what I've seen, shock loss seems to occur about 2-5 weeks post-op in most cases. How long does it normally take shocked hairs to return?


2. I've always had a high hair line with a widow's peak look. However, my main problem has been in my temples. I'm noticing more growth (although not as profound as several cases I've seen on this web site) in the widow's peak region and only a few sparse hairs in my temples so far. Is it normal for the temples to lag behind growth-wise? Would really appreciate any input guys. This waiting game is hard! cheers..


p.s. Sorry for no pics to look at. My camera was just recently stolen.


1 Speaking for myself. I had a shock loss on the recipient area, 2cm bald spot. Now i'm 6 months out it's 85% recovered and still improoving.


2 Its normal the grafts grow in different speeds, so it's all normal mate.


Good luck

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The waiting game is really hard. One of the reasons that I ask everyone to come back at a month to 6 weeks is to remind them of this waiting game; and of course to check the scar.


It will grow back, just takes time.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Aska and Dr. Lindsey, much thanks for the replies. I know it's all about waiting, just seemed to me that I had delayed shock loss compared with what most people report, so just wanted to make sure nothing was abnormal...

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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  • 4 years later...
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How long will it take for the shock loss to stop. I know hair lost due to shock loss may take 3/4 month to come back if it’s temporary.

But my question is how long they will keep falling( 1 week , 2 week or more).

The hair that are falling are quite thick and the way they are falling( 150 during wash) is really annoying.


I had the HT 12 days back only for 800 grafts on my frontal M shape on 31st august and started seeing them to fall in the first week itself.

I haven’t experience such a major hair fall in last two years.


Also , I am using finpecia(finestraside) from last two years and it has worked very well for me.


If it’s shock loss , when will it stop? I can’t see my hair falling for 3 or more months.

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so,looking at with video i feel i will not get the lost hair ...


I Dont know , how good my surgeon was .. i did not shave my hair .. felt lot of pain .. so he gave me more and more anaesthesia ...


I am loosing hope now ..


Why did i go for HT ??.. now i am regretting

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sudhir i am sorry for your shock loss. this is something which could be minimize by surgeon with good skills and expertise but it cannot be averted.

I am not commenting on your surgeon. its a procedure of HT where shock loss happens.

some people have more and some people have less it avries with individual scalp and hair roots also.

I know its very stressing but I would suggest you to wait and watch give like complete 12 months fro day of surgery so u will know the actual picture.

can u post your close up pic of before surgery and after surgery and now pic of that exact area close up view where u think u r having shock loss.

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