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Why aren't the donor hairs falling out?

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  • Senior Member

Depends. Rarely patients will not experience a shed of their transplanted hairs but in my experience it is usually because the patient is being too gentle with washing their hair. It is common that patients will be so scared of damaging their hair that they will barely touch it which is the opposite of what you need to do. At 41 days you should be as aggressive as you would be had you never had the surgery so that the scalp is clean and the hairs shed as they are supposed to.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Why is it better that the transplanted hair shed?


Why is it better that the scalp be clean?


I dont know that its better if it sheds or doesnt. My last transplant was at Nuhart in pittsburgh. Dr Dickinson told me that if the transplanted hair falls out after being transplanted that its okay because hair grows in cycles. However he did say that if the hair doesnt fall out it might grow sooner. As far as the clean is concerned i would guess just to prevent potential infection..



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