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What should I do?

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Hi guys.

I have read a lot about HT and have come to the conclusion that FUE would be best for me. I like to (at least sometimes) wear my hair really short and would not want any scars.


Looking at doctors who are not out of the range I can afford and still suppossedly top notch I have come across Dr Path and Dr Pong from Thailand.


However, it seems that both use the strip method.


What to do now?

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  • Senior Member

Don't limit yourself to a certain geographical area when it comes to HT's. Also, if you are going FUE, you want to make sure you go to a doctor who has a lot of experience with it and has patient galleries to prove their results.


Dr. Feller, Dr. Shapiro (Ron & Paul), Dr. Rahal, Dr. Lindsey are all highly recommended FUE surgeons in the US and I would consult with them to start.

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Hi BadBeat,

Yes, but then I may run into what I have seen some other people call "these docs or not at all" due to financials.


I am looking at Thailand because it seems to have some high quality doctors that are priced in a range I could afford. It is not that I am not willing to pay an exorbitant amount for a US doctor, I am just not able to do so.

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Just copy/pasted this. I believe this is as cheap as it gets.

Dr. Palakurthi offers her high quality follicular unit hair transplant procedure to her patients at a highly reduced cost of one US dollar per follicular unit via the FUT method and two US dollars per follicular unit via FUE.

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I know it's easy to price shop hair transplantation, but I honestly do NOT recommend it. The bottom line is that undergoing a "bargain" procedure possesses the potential for much higher costs in the end.


Look at it this way:


Say a state of the art follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedure with a physician like Dr. Feller, Shapiro, etc, ends up costing around $10,000 (this is simply for example sake). One shot, $10,000, and you are satisfied.


Now, say you bargain shop and end up paying $5,000 for a FUE procedure with a different clinic. If the clinic has less experience with FUE or makes up cost by cutting corners, you result COULD be less than ideal and within 12 months, you're seeking a second (or possibly even repair) procedure. Because you don't want to undergo the same experience again, you now see a physician like Dr. Feller or Dr. Shapiro and end up paying somewhere around $8,000. Now, you've paid $13,000, spent 2 years undergoing hair restoration, and may be left with the results of a repair instead of the results of work on a virgin scalp.


Obviously, this is a "worst case" hypothetical and we do not claim to have a monopoly on quality hair restoration physicians. What's more, some doctors who operate in other countries or with cheaper "overhead" may possess the ability to offer quality at lower prices. However, because of the potential pitfalls (explained above) associated with bargain shopping for hair restoration, I, again, don't recommend it. It's likely a much better decision to start on preventive methods, consult with a quality physician, wait a bit, and undergo a "safer" procedure.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Point is - choose among the best proven FUE docs in the world, and don't let money or distance be a factor (unless you're trying to decide among the best). If you don't have enough for the best, then save up until you do. HT is forever. It can have a devastating effect on your self-esteem if things go wrong. Give yourself the best odds of success by consulting with the best FUE surgeons. Good luck.

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  • Regular Member

I totally agree and I'm not questioning the fact that money should not be the primary factor when choosing your doc. But I was under the assumption that all docs recommended on this site were top notch.

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  • Senior Member

I believe that all of the docs recommended here are held to a high standard. However, not all docs are created equal, and not all docs are proven FUE experts. To some degree it's subjective. Everyone has their tastes.


It's up to us as patients and future patients to do as much research as possible before we commit. That includes comparing and contrasting the results from all of the recommended docs. Look at as many results as you can (videos and photos); consult with as many docs in-person as possible; review the results of as many FUE patients as you can in-person who, before their surgeries, approached your level of hair loss and share similar hair characteristics; and, ask as many questions of experienced and learned members of this forum as you can.


Some people have been lurking or actively posting on this forum for a number of years before finally having a procedure done. Do not rush it. What you put in, you get out. If you spend enough time here, the best FUE docs for you will become clear.

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Another issue is FUE or strip?


I am thinning at the front and temples. I would like to wear my hear short at times.


Would strip (like Dr Path and other do it) be a good option for someone like that you think?

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  • Senior Member

The odds are much better of being able to wear your hair short with FUE. FUE is NOT scar-less, but if small punches and an intelligent extraction pattern are used, and if you naturally scar well, you could get away with #1 on the clippers. Some people report that they can shave their heads bald without any noticeable scarring after FUE, but I'd venture to say that's pretty rare.


The size of FUE procedure(s) and donor density are big factors regarding scarring and the potential for the "moth eaten" look. Have realistic expectations - some noticeable white-dot scarring is likely, but you'll be able to wear your hair shorter than if you elected to have strip done. Other advantages with FUE is less donor pain (usually) and quicker donor healing.


The trade-off with FUE is that yield is reportedly a little less than with strip. However, in the hands of the most skilled FUE docs, I'd say it's pretty close.


I think some people have reported being able to wear their hair as short as a #2 on the clippers after strip, but I think that's uncommon. From what I can tell, a #3 is more realistic providing the scar is relatively thin. I'm just going by what I've read on the forums. Perhaps some strip patients can chime in.


Lastly, SMP (temporary or permanent) may be an option for FUE white-dot scarring which would allow you to wear your hair very short with little-to-no observable scarring. Take a look at these threads:





Edited by zenmunk
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  • Regular Member
Just copy/pasted this. I believe this is as cheap as it gets.

Dr. Palakurthi offers her high quality follicular unit hair transplant procedure to her patients at a highly reduced cost of one US dollar per follicular unit via the FUT method and two US dollars per follicular unit via FUE.


WOW! Two US dollars per follicular unit via FUE is a steal. That's is like 70-80 percent less than the US--I think. It's worth flying to wherever this Dr. is at. Thanks for the tip.

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hi, I came across this and I couldnt help myself to tell you that is other ways to get a fuller set of hair that are non-surgical. I work for Ja Alternatives is a company that specializes in people that are thinning out. We have this technique called Interlink and is pretty new . Is the same idea of hair implants but without surgery. We attach 4 new strands of hair to your own by tieing them to your hair. With this you don't have to worry about scars. I think if is your first time for a Hair Transplant you should try this first and get a feel of it.

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