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Increasing circulation to the scalp? Wearing a hat?

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I've read a lot on the internet about the benefits to increasing the blood flow to the scalp. Apprently it can slow, stop and even reverse hairloss.

This seems to be backed up by how Rogaine/Regaine hows - irritating the skin to increase blood flow to the scalp.


Is there any truth to any of this?

I only ask because my circulation isn't that great. At night in bed my face, forehead and front of my scalp is cold to the touch. I wondered if this could explain some of the hairloss there?


Its easy to rectify that by wearing a beanie hat in bed. But lots of people say wearing a beanie will cause hair loss and not let the head breath.


So, I'm not sure whether to leave alone or start wearing a beanie in bed?

You'd think if blood flow to the scalp was the cause of hair loss, the sides would go too, so I'm not sure.

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Circulation to the scalp is very important. Blood flow allows the follicles to receive proper nutrients and thrive/cycle regularly. As you stated before, drugs like minoxidil (Rogaine) are fairly powerful vasodialators (drugs that open blood vessels), and most experts believe the drug's ability to create adequate scalp blood flow is key.


However, I'm not certain one can measure scalp flow by palpating body temperature or that wearing a beanie (to increase scalp temperature?) will truly reverse or prevent any sort of hair loss. While I understand some of the theory behind the idea, I've just never seen any credible sources to back it up. If you are interested in truly reversing and preventing future hair loss, I recommend researching proven therapies like minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia).


I hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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as blake has stated, it is unclear exactly why or how minoxidil causes hair to grow or retards loss

it just does....in most


my did wore a tight cap all his life (work related) and had a full head of hair

i also see homeless men who look like they haven't eaten or bathed in years with full heads of hair


hair loss is genetic

unless specifically caused by self-inflicted abnormal behavior or appears patchy etc...


not saying that these that you list could not benefit the TEXTURE of your hair...its quality...

but as for quantity, well, stick to propecia, minoxidil and HT

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Thanks for the replies.


I've been on fin for 4 years. Its slowed the rate of loss down to its lowest since I started shedding, 14 years ago. But it is still slowly going, so I'm thinking I need to start on the minoxidil.


It's only 5 months to my HT. Do you think I should wait until after the HT has fully healed before starting minoxidil or just go for it now?

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for the replies.


I've been on fin for 4 years. Its slowed the rate of loss down to its lowest since I started shedding, 14 years ago. But it is still slowly going, so I'm thinking I need to start on the minoxidil.


It's only 5 months to my HT. Do you think I should wait until after the HT has fully healed before starting minoxidil or just go for it now?


oh you didn't have a HT yet

Edited by rev3
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