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HT with Dr Lindsey. 2729 grafts. May 2012

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Date of procedure:

Thursday 3rd May 2012


Surgical team:

Dr William H Lindsey and his team



Chain Bridge Road, Virginia, USA


Type of procedure:

Strip donor with front and crown recipients. A total of 2729 grafts of which, 1350 were single hair follicles and 1370 were double or triple hair follicles. Approximately 1729 grafts where placed in the front and 1000 grafts where placed in the crown.



Currently SIX weeks post op. Everything seems very good so far from a surgical point of view. From an aesthetic point of view I am still "work-in-progress" obviously! The donor area scar is healing well and covers over reasonably well with a grade five haircut. I have had no medical issues with the scar at all. The recipient area hair grafts have mostly shed as expected. The redness remains, which looks like a slight sunburn. See the attached photos.


Looking forward to next spring season by which time the full aesthetic affect should be achieved. I am unable to cover the recipient areas up as my existing hair is too short, which I am self-conscious about since I was previously able to conceal my hair loss reasonably effectively. Hopefully it will just be a short-term problem. I would recommend growing your hair length as much as you can pre-op in order to help cover the post-op scar in the donor area and redness in the recipient area(s).


At this stage I am pleased that the HT is progressing as expected. I am very pleased with Dr Lindsey and his team for their incredible skill and patient care. They made me feel very much at ease throughout the procedure. They appear to have done an excellent job with my HT and it should produce an excellent result, I recommend them. Only time will tell of course, we will have to wait and see. Update to follow in Spring!


PHOTO 1 Immediately pre-op

PHOTOS 2 and 3 One week post-op

PHOTO 3 and 4 Six weeks post-op








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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone, just thought I would pass you a brief update since 5 months have passed since my HT op. I must say the time has flown by very quickly!


First of all though, I must tell you about my visit to a barber shop the other day. I went to get a haircut and I have been trying to find a barber that I could discuss my particular situation with and who would be able to show some sensitivity to my needs, whilst my hair grows back. Been to a couple of local places before I found this one. So this barber came along, a friendly chap and asked me what I would like done. "A grade six back-and-sides and just leave the top as I'm trying to grow it out a bit" I replied, and continued with the usual "...oh and you might just notice I have a slight scar back there, could you make sure its well covered!?"


This barber then took a look at the scar area and grinned at me. He said "I bet I can tell you how you got that!", and we had a chat about it. It turns out he used to be a HT technician at a centre in the UK up until recently and has studied Trichology in some depth. He commented that it is about the best work he has ever seen. The scar is healing very well and the tiny miniature hairs are starting to grow. He was genuinely amazed at how good the scar was looking and the general hair regrowth, five months on. He commented that there does not appear to be any losses about the scar area either.


This has been the only "technical" feedback I have had outside of the surgery/forum and it has been very positive. The redness, whilst still present, is fading slowly, and the recipient areas whilst currently looking thin, particularly the crown, are starting to grow hair again slowly. Hopefully we will get a great end result by the Spring.


Will get some more photos up soon but so far, I am very happy with my surgery and progress. Bring on the Spring 2013 though!!!


Cheers all,


No More Caps:)

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  • 5 months later...

Hi everyone,


Things are getting better each month. The redness has disappeared completely. The scar is not readily visible even with the hair combed back and my barber, who used to be a HT technician, remains truly amazed at the quality of the donor area and how well the scar has healed. He says its the best work he has seen. It is a testimony of the quality of work done by Dr. Lindsey and his team...keep up the good work folks!


The transplanted areas are also progressively getting thicker, although at a very slow rate and the area still appears thin, particularly at the crown, which I believe is to be expected at this 9 month stage. Things seem to be progressing well though, the hair is still growing and thickening up and I expect it will much improve in due course.


Also, I am using Caboki concealer, a fantastic product, to camouflage the area whilst it thickens up. It basically gives me a full, thick head of hair again and really is a lifesaver. I recommend it to you guys although it is a little pricey. It can be used after about 5/6 months post op, once there are some hairs for it to cling to.


From what I understand, I will need to wait until around May for the full aesthetic to be achieved and I will give you all an update nearer the time. Enjoy the photos and tell me what you think!


Take it easy,










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