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seeking help/advice, plz

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I thank anyone who responds to help in advace. My story is a young and depressing one, I am 23 now and noticed at a haircut when i was 16, almost 17 that i was going bald. At 18 i went to an HCM consultation and after a year n a hlaf they said i was inbetween a 2 and a 3 on the norwood, and I now believe I'm at a 3b-4.

I always thought it would b simple to fix, get the money, pay for it, and thats it. This site and others have informed me there are many risks, first off, I've attached pics to help

1. Am I too young for a HT? ( i do not want a biomatrix wig or whatever)

2. I read in another post you have to be on somthing, i think they said finastride(bad spelling) for a year just to be ready for a HT, is this 100% always the case?

3.I live in the greater Pittsburgh area if anyone knows a trusted doctor to consult??

I just relized reading tonight that I would probably need a few HT's over years to keep up with the thinning, which I'm guessing is expensive. but i'm guessing i would need at my first 1 about 1700 grafts? (complete guess), and would it help that I'd b willing to take min. grafts on my first HT to take me back to say the appearence of a norwood class 1, and not need a fully restored hairline, if it would help and leave more donor hair for future.

I'm worried about going through a failed process to where it looks unnatural and loses me alot of money.

Also, anyone, how much in general would I b looking at to get my first HT, i guessd going by bosley numbers, like 2-3 thousand??..

Anyway though, losing my hair since highschool has been truley horrifying to my self confidence n certain activites, Theres not too many other people that can relate to being 17, but I know this is the place where hopefully someone can understand my pain and fear about getting a HT. Any advice would b greatly helpfull..

I tried to attach a couple pics, but i can't get them small enough ( i took them on a cell phone), i can email sum1 a couple pics if it helps to better inform me on something

Thanks, Justin

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I thank anyone who responds to help in advace. My story is a young and depressing one, I am 23 now and noticed at a haircut when i was 16, almost 17 that i was going bald. At 18 i went to an HCM consultation and after a year n a hlaf they said i was inbetween a 2 and a 3 on the norwood, and I now believe I'm at a 3b-4.

I always thought it would b simple to fix, get the money, pay for it, and thats it. This site and others have informed me there are many risks, first off, I've attached pics to help

1. Am I too young for a HT? ( i do not want a biomatrix wig or whatever)

2. I read in another post you have to be on somthing, i think they said finastride(bad spelling) for a year just to be ready for a HT, is this 100% always the case?

3.I live in the greater Pittsburgh area if anyone knows a trusted doctor to consult??

I just relized reading tonight that I would probably need a few HT's over years to keep up with the thinning, which I'm guessing is expensive. but i'm guessing i would need at my first 1 about 1700 grafts? (complete guess), and would it help that I'd b willing to take min. grafts on my first HT to take me back to say the appearence of a norwood class 1, and not need a fully restored hairline, if it would help and leave more donor hair for future.

I'm worried about going through a failed process to where it looks unnatural and loses me alot of money.

Also, anyone, how much in general would I b looking at to get my first HT, i guessd going by bosley numbers, like 2-3 thousand??..

Anyway though, losing my hair since highschool has been truley horrifying to my self confidence n certain activites, Theres not too many other people that can relate to being 17, but I know this is the place where hopefully someone can understand my pain and fear about getting a HT. Any advice would b greatly helpfull..

I tried to attach a couple pics, but i can't get them small enough ( i took them on a cell phone), i can email sum1 a couple pics if it helps to better inform me on something

Thanks, Justin

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  • Senior Member

justin, your best bet is to try a combo of propecia (finasteride) and rogaine (minoxidal) for at least 1 year. you can get the generic brand of propecia which is called proscar much cheaper (you must split the pill into quarters).


guys your age tend to have the best success halting hairloss with meds--it might even regrow some hair.


spend that year really researching hair transplants and saving some money. you can also schedule some online consults with docs outside your area (never let geography dictate who you go to). most docs will give you a travel reimbursement.


also, you are correct in assuming you will likely need multiple procedures throughout your lifetime to keep your balding in check.


good docs to start looking into would be:

1)feller--he's an excellent doc and very straight-shooting





best of luck to you!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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hairthere, nice name btw, lol.. im gnna buy and start taking both meds i guess.. u do suggest using them at the same time? and if so what do u think the min time is i shuld use and plot on a HT before actually getting one?

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  • Senior Member

yes, you should try using propecia and rogaine in conjunction. there's no minimum amount of time for you to wait to get an HT. some docs might refuse to perform surgery on you considering your age and degree of hairloss. but it's tough to determine what a doc might say without seeing some pics of your situation.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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